200,000 vehicles and 1 million bus passengers will leave Santiago this weekend | National


The Transport and Carabineros authorities have put in place the usual emergency plan for the inspection of buses and roadblocks for a new long weekend .

According to the information provided, this weekend is projected the output of 200 thousand vehicles of the capital plus a million pbadengers terminals and more than 25 thousand buses.

However, the vehicular movement to this tomorrow has not been increased like previous holidays, where the factors that would influence this bottom would be weather forecasts since the rain is announced for those days .

To this is added the proximity of the winter holidays, as explained by the head of the Department of Inspection of the Department of Transport, Paula Flores.

https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/058cu-finde-flores-copy.mp3 [1 9659006] On the part of the riflemen, on this occasion, a plan of control in Road will be implemented in all modes of occupation, especially bus drivers regarding their hours worked and about if they drive under the influence of the lorries. alcohol . 19659007] https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/059cu-finde-2-copia.mp3

From a comparative way, in the year 2016 where there was a similar holiday there were 17 deaths and 608 wounded, all in 957 accidents

The causes are repeated: not being alert to traffic conditions, driving while intoxicated, speeding and abuse

Rifled carabiners called on to take extreme precautions especially on the rainy day and asked to plan the return on Monday outside rush hours, which occurs between 16:00 and 21:00.

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