2018 records the registration of portonazos | National


A explosive hike recorded the number of portonazos during the first five months of 2018, when a record of this type of badaults was recorded in the metropolitan area.

According to the Public Ministry, ] between January and May of this year, there were 727 cases 48% in 2017 (491 cases) and also in 2016 (636 cases).

The information was provided by the regional prosecutor, Manuel Guerra, to the municipalities of the Eastern Zone in a 32-page statistical document .

The report, which had access La Tercera also reveals that this type of crime It began to appear in the municipalities as Ñuñoa (+ 55%), Macul (+ 47%) and Peñalolén (+ 42%), to the detriment of Lo Barnechea (-449%), Las Condes (-119) %) and Vitacura [1945900] 6] (-42%), where it decreased

The majority of this type of crime was carried out during the night (64%) and is more recurrent in the public road (38%) than while the driver enters his home (23%).

The most stolen car makes are Chevrolet (11%), Hyundai (9%), Kia (9%), Peugeot (7%) and Toyota (6%).

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