20th Century Fox uses artificial intelligence to predict which movies will appeal to the public


In general, movies are bets, since a studio or a director knows for sure how the public will receive its story. However, 20th Century Fox is working to reduce this uncertainty factor that seems so characteristic of the film industry.

According to a report by the company itself, 20th Century Fox reportedly used an artificial intelligence called Merlin. badyze the content of the trailers and thus predict the audience's preferences.

Merlin is described as "an experimental system of forecast and recommendation of badistance to films", but it is essentially a system of 39, machine learning able to label the items exposed by the trailers as trees, faces and cars. The data is then compiled by a team of researchers who compares this information to similar data from other trailers and to movie attendance figures. All this to see if this information can help predict trends in public preferences.

But how does it work? The Verge website explains that, to create Merlin, 20th Century Fox has partnered with Google to use the company's servers and open source artificial intelligence, TensorFlow. A process explained in Google's blog with Merlin's badysis to this trailer of Logan.

The work of AI begins with an badysis of the elements of the trailer, which in the case of Logan is dominated by trees and the facial hair of Hugh Jackman.

But Merlin does not keep only the object data for how long these things have appeared and in what part of the preview they did.

The study explains that the importance of this is that "temporal sequencing (for example, a long shot of an object instead of intermittent short shots) can convey information about the type of film, the plot of the film, the roles of the main characters and the cinematographic choices of the filmmakers.The sequence badysis combined with the historical data of the customers can be used to create predictions of the behavior of the customers. "

With all these data, and once Logan debuted In theaters, Merlin compared this information with the badyzes of other trailers in an attempt to to predict which films interest those who saw Logan.

As you will see in the following graph, which shows Merlin's predictions of actual data, AI is not exactly accurate in its predictions.

While Merlin guessed that Logan's public would see other superhero films and even productions like John Wick 2 did not managed to identify that Wolverine's followers would be heavily embedded in The Legend of Tarzan.

In many ways, the work of artificial intelligence continues to be striking by what it might imply for the film industry since these badyzes could determine which films a studio prefers.

"The impact of these tools on 20th Century Fox's marketing and data teams is significant," the research says. "Instead of relying solely on the results of high-level surveys with the public, the team can now implement more precise instruments to determine the client's intent.The data is at least twice as detailed than the previous series of badyzes on which the study was based. "

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