22 years of its launch: unveiling the 10 best-selling Nintendo 64 games


Every Week The NPD Group Inc. American market research company, reveals the most sold video games and consoles on the market of our continent .

The large number of today, which can often mark the success or bankruptcy of a company, usually does not surprise the fans because a good note of criticism is transforming itself. generally in big sales

However, in the 90s, these are the same companies that had the only "truth" about the success of releases or sales of video games What

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NDP's Mat Piscatella Recently Shared the Charts best selling In the 90s in consoles – home or portable – from Nintendo .

The top 10 of the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color are as follows:

Nintendo 64

1.- Super Mario 64

2.- GoldenEye 007

3.- Mario Kart 64

4.- Zelda: Ocarina of Time

5.- Pokemon Stadium [19659002] 6.- Donkey Kong 64

7.- Star Fox 64

8.- Super Smash Bros.

9.- Diddy Kong Racing

10.- Star Wars: The Shadow of the Empire [19659018] Not many surprises on the N64 list, dominated by large first-party franchises that are even more successful today. And of course, the legendary Goldeneye 007. pic.twitter.com/SCupyyRDkB

– Mat Piscatella (@MatPiscatella) Nov. 4, 2018

Game Boy Color

1. Pokemon Silver

2. Pokemon Gold

3. Super Mario Bros.

4. Pokemon Pinball

5. Pokemon Crystal

6. Yu Gi Oh! Dark Duel

7. Zelda: Link's Awakening

8. Donkey Kong Country

9. Pokemon Trading Card Game

10. Zelda: Oracle of Ages

Let's turn now to Boy Color, which turns 20 this month. Pokémon A lot of Pokemon. pic.twitter.com/KpogZHSVnK

– Mat Piscatella (@MatPiscatella) November 4, 2018

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