& # 39; Perspectivas Políticas & # 39 ;, a Facebook tool that allows candidates to compare their proposals – Elections – Notes


Facebook has activated its tool "Political Perspectives" in Mexico, which will allow people on the platform to compare the proposals of candidates, facing the presidential elections.

"Political Perspectives", used for the first time in Latin America in the Chile elections in 2017, is part of Facebook's efforts to help build an informed and civically engaged community.

This function appears organically in the News section. Through it, people can access a Facebook page where they can compare proposals from leading candidates in central issues such as the economy, health and culture, among others.

The topics proposed in the tool were selected by a group of academics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. "We have developed this tool to facilitate access to information during elections.

We hope to help Mexican voters to explore and compare their candidates, exposing them to various points of view," he said. Diego Bbadante, director of Facebook for Latin America

"Political Perspectives", used last year in elections in Germany, France, Britain and Chile and recently in Colombia, can be introduced to people up to three times a day. Its content is entirely provided by the political parties themselves.

More than 84 million Mexicans use Facebook at least once a month to connect with the things most relevant to them, including political conversations such as presidential elections.

  Facebook Tool for Elections 2018

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