4 explosive statements made by Donald Trump at the first moment of his visit to the United Kingdom


Bypbading the most basic standards of etiquette and diplomacy, Donald Trump began his first official visit to the United Kingdom with explosive statements in which he severely criticized the plans of British Prime Minister Theresa May leave the Union. European, described as terrible the performance of London Mayor Sadiq Khan and accuses immigration of negatively changing the fabric of European society.

The interview, held a few days ago by the tabloid The Sun – A yellowish medium controlled by Rupert Murdoch, who waged a fierce campaign to convince the population to vote in favor of Brexit in the 2016 referendum, was released this Friday to coincide with the visit of the US president.

Trump took the opportunity to also congratulate May's arch-foe, former Chancellor Boris Johnson, who resigned this week for his differences with the first min istro on the Brexit.

Here we summarize four of his most controversial sentences:

1 – Brexit

"If you approve of an agreement like this, we will deal with it. European Union rather than with the United Kingdom, and this may probably kill the agreement "said Trump in reference to the possibility of a" sweet "Brexit , which would imply maintaining close links with the EU

"We have a lot of difficulties with the European Union, now we are taking stronger action against the EU because they did not treat the United States fairly, "he added.


The President also pointed out that he had done the things of 39, a very different way. "In fact, I told Theresa May how to do it, but she was not acco. she did not listen to me. "

" I told him what he should do and how he had to negotiate "Trump insisted," but she did not Did not, I would probably say took the opposite way ".

May's plan, concluded, "will probably kill the possibility of a trade deal with the United States."

2 – Immigration

The US President spared no criticism against the acceptance of immigrants in Europe.

"Allowing immigration to Europe is a shame," he said. "It changed the fabric of Europe".


Unless acting quickly, Europe will no longer be what it once was, he added, "and I do not mean to say ( this change) in a positive way. "

"Enabling the arrival of millions and millions of people in Europe is something very, very sad," he said.

"They lose their culture," he said

3 – Sadiq Khan

The one who was most criticized was the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

" He did a terrible job ," said the US president.


"Look at the terrorism that took place (…) He did a terrible job on crime," he said, and immediately referred to the D & D On the other hand, Trump said that Khan had not been hospitable with a government that is very important. "

The city of London, where this Friday is held many protests, is not part of the agenda of the president.


As part of the protests, protesters received permission from city authorities to use a balloon representing Trump in the layers to fly over Parliament .

4- Former Minister of Foreign Affairs

"Let me tell you that (Boris Johnson) is a very talented man, I was very sad to see him leave the government and I hope that it will come back at some point. "

<img src =" https://media.metrolatam.com/2018/07/13/102513731hi048071879-8a752a4f545a704dffa432b91c81f2e8-1200×0.jpg "alt =" Johnson, a faces of the campaign in favor of the UK's exit from the community bloc and advocate of the "hard" Brexit, resigned earlier this week with David Davis, who in his role as Brexit Minister led the negotiations with the

In the words of Trump, Johnson would be a great leader.

"He has what it takes and has the right attitude to be a great prime minister . "

Up to now, the British government office has not responded to these statements.

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