46 institutions of higher education have begun the process of closure since 2010 | National


From the National Board of Education (CNED) informed that eight institutions of higher education are being closed -some voluntarily-, completing 46 institutions that began the process to stop working from 2010. Some have already closed.

Pedro Montt, president of the entity, explained to La Tercera that "we have witnessed situations of forced closure of institutions that have not responded adequately and have had to intervene . "

added that it is a complex process, since "it has jeopardized the continuity of students' academic trajectories".

In this regard, José Joaquín Brunner, a professor at the University Diego Portales, warned that in a mixed regime "it is normal that in the margin of the system there is a band of precarious organizations that should cease to exist in an orderly way "" Habitua They correspond to non-university institutions, such as Technical Training Centers (TFCs) that do not take off, and they may include some universities that were born unsuccessful or fail on the way, "he said.

Brunner explained that these situations affect a small part of the enclosure and requires" standardized "closure processes to take care of the students. [19659002] Among the institutions that initiated the closure process are the Universidad Iberoamericana, the Universidad Arcis and several CFT

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