5 dead and out of control: The massive forest fire in northern California doubles its size


The biggest forest fire affecting California these days, known as Indencio Carr ( Carr Fire ), still can not be controlled by firefighters to the point that during the week It has doubled the area that affects the north of the state.

As reported by the California Department of Fire, the drought of the environment coupled with heat and winds promotes the spread of flames and complicates to the extreme the mission of the equipment of of urgency, since sometimes the fire 's advance was so fast that these are forced to leave the pipes aside to help the residents in their escapes.

Five people died as a result of the flames. President Donald Trump has declared the federal emergency for the state, which is ravaged by a dozen fires.

Two firefighters died: Don Ray Smith, 81, while helping to clear vegetation in areas where the flames are expected to arrive and Jeremy Stoke, who is known to be a service inspector. Redding fire, although no official information has been published on the circumstances of his death.

Up to now, it is estimated that a total of 38,000 people have been ordered to evacuate. There are about 5,000 properties in the risk zone.

Some 3,500 firefighters and volunteers work on the control of the front, but the fire was contained in only 5%.

More than ten people went missing Tom Bosenko, the police chief of Shasta County, reported that in the search for missing persons, officers went to their homes and saw that their cars were missing. were not in working order. they hope that they managed to flee the area and be found alive in the next few hours.

Authorities ordered the evacuation of 80 homes in Napa County, famous for its vineyards. The Napa Valley Registry reported that three houses were destroyed until here.

? California burns thousands of acres and leaves behind death and expulsions


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The Associated Press .

The fire started on Monday in an area of ​​forested hills and advanced across the southwest of Redding, arriving at the site of the fire. to small communities like Ono, Igo and Gas Point, in the north of the state

In the photos: Several fires spread in southern California leaving material damage


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