José Luis Irarrázaval leaves Iansa after 24 years in the company


His departure responds to personal reasons and the desire to begin a new stage in his professional development, the company reported.

Iansa reported this afternoon that the board of directors accepted the resignation of José Luis Irarrázaval post of general manager of the company.

According to detailed the cabinet through an official notice, in the session, the directors of the company realized a special recognition to his successful work in which "he directed the transit of Iansa of a company concentrated mainly in the sugar sector, to a diversified supply of ingredients for the food and beverage industry. "

The executive has completed a 14-year cycle in the company , where he began his career in the position of commercial director. Previously, he worked for another 10 years at ED & F MAN, controller of Iansa, so that, cumulating the two periods, the leader was 24 years in the Group.

It should be noted that on the stock market, the Iansa stock fell 3.23%, accumulating a decline of 23.08% over the year and 8.82% on the month.

Meanwhile, last year has accumulated an increase of 8.34%.


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