Colegio de Matronas calls the controller to define the fields of action with nursing


Up to the Comptroller's Office, midwives and matrons arrived who demonstrated by providing a clear delineation regarding the duties that nursing have on the premises of the hospital. This, after the controller body was pronounced a few weeks ago to ratify that the units of Gynecology, Neonatology and Obstetrics were not exclusively responsible for matronería.


Karina Vilches, President of the Nurses Association (ASENF) of Coquimbo Hospital, emphasizes that functions between one union and another are complementary "and say the contrary what the law says or the opinion of the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR). "

Vilches says that those who work in nursing are endorsed by the Health Code as professionals who cover the entire life cycle of the human being in pathological situations and in the prevention of diseases, "on the other hand, midwives within one and the same code are included in the taking into obstetric and gynecological burden of healthy people ".

In this perspective, the nurse indicates that she has the authority to enter the maternity homes because there are also users with pathologies, "so we do not do it. Intrusion or we are trying to get the midwives out of their spaces, but we are looking to incorporate in the tasks that are performed to users in this service. "

" We do not make an intrusion and it is n & # 39; There is no question of taking the midwives out of their spaces, but we are trying to join the work. " Karina Vilches, president of the ASENF of the Coquimbo Hospital

On this Andres Salgado, Regional Secretary of the College of Midwives and Midwives, explains that the Sanitario Code delineates the functions of nurses and states that nurses "are focused on the management of promotion, the maintenance and health care throughout the life cycle of a person. "[1] 96590 04] While the work of midwives, the supplements that it is geared towards the treatment of pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium, newborns, badfeeding, activities related to family planning and badual and reproductive health.


Mónica Rojo, president of the College of Midwives says it's not a union fight between midwives and nurses, "that's an issue that has related to public health and the impact we have in the indicators of this ". Also adding that "nurses have so much to do and a vast field of action, the question is why they do not do what they are mandated to do."

"Nurses have a lot to do and a vast field of action, the " -Monica Rojo, president of the Association of Midwives and Midwives of the Coquimbo region.

The president also points out that the code of health they call optional is: say that they have the ability to issue medical permits, prescribe medications, issue evidence of any kind. childbirth and death certificates, "things that nurses can not do".

On the other hand, Lina Araya, President of the ASENF that during the studies that they receive at the university, they receive the necessary knowledge to attend a situation of Childbirth "because it will not necessarily happen in a maternity ward". Adding that if a nurse works in a rural post, she must be ready to handle this type of procedure.

Jenny Sfeir does not agree with Lina because the midwife in the Hospital Zone of La Serena Hospital argues that Midwives everywhere. "

" It's one thing to collect the bus that everyone can do, and another thing is delivery, "says Sfeir.

CALLED TO EXERCISE ITS FUNCTIONS [19659003] Mónica Rojo points out that it is not a fight between nurses and midwives, but that it is a public health problem and a much deeper question, because "the CGR wants to erase everything our union has done over the past 180 years"

While Sfeir invites to continue working with nurses and midwives cordially as they have done for years, respecting the fields of every professional 6401i


On June 4, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic (RGC) declared that the Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology units are not exclusive to midwives. women and matrons. Alleged illegality of Department of Health By-Law Number 21

The situation prompted the union, in each of the regions of the country, to deliver a letter to the concerned mayor to be sent to the president of the province. Republic. In it, explaining the situation they experience where they state that nurses perform their duties in a few fields of action corresponding to matronería.

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