Liceo Amunátegui will appeal her dispute with the municipality in court


While the mayor says that he took controversial measures based on technical reports that would show that the entire school was handicapped by the taking and the fire, Councilor Irací Hbadler has asked an external report to the architect Mario Neira. Given the mayor's refusal to publish the municipal studies, the only documentation of public knowledge is requested by the councilor. The reports contradict.

According to the municipality, in its report, it is estimated that the damage done to the school repair exceeds $ 300 million. The Neira study indicates that the damage is not structural, that those caused by the fire do not exceed $ 30 million and that the most serious damage has not been caused during the year. Admission, but for lack of maintenance.

lawyers, teachers and students say they do not have direct communication with the municipality. "We want to show that we are in the street, Mayor Alessandri has left us in the street, we have not received any formal information, and so we consider ourselves abandoned by the municipality and the mayor." Says Matías Garrido, public relations officer of the Student Center

  Liceo Amunátegui Agency One

Given the doubts about the need to relocate the students and close the Liceo, Sonia Araya, spokesperson for parents and lawyers High School, announced that on Saturday at 10:30, your organization will present a protection resource in court. He explains that "the decree expressly states that the semester has been closed without course recovery, which is illegal, which is the first violation of rights we believe to exist in everything that has happened up to the end of the year. now."


From the construction entity defended the decision of Alessandri, and claim that the external report does not provide for other damages after taking. The official version states that "the report presented as an antecedent has no technical means to be compared to that of the municipality". The report of the Department of Infrastructure of the Department of Municipal Education considers the damage caused not only because of the effects of the fire, but also the damage caused by the last catch of water and adjacent areas to the area affected by the fire, this report includes other items and repairs not included in the report in question, and the badociated values ​​are those working in this department because of the background obtained from the Manuel Ondac and experience budgets in the different offers already performed in educational institutions, and therefore the technical comparison is not possible. "

In addition, they explain that the difference in the amounts of the damages in the two reports would be due to a difference in commercial values, which use the private, and the public values, which add guarantees requested to ensure According to the municipality 's statements, the public values ​​could be double to triple the values ​​used by private companies, which the architect Neira would have used. establishment suffered structural damage, the statement added that "it should be noted that there are always different concepts, build a building from scratch, in most cases it is much less than repair and / or remodel. "While Alessandri was receiving support today from the IDU deputies, Liceo Amunátegui's parents and lawyers, through their spokesman, said : As parents, we know that & # 39; there was vandalism and we repudiate enormously. who have been extremely irresponsible in trying to stigmatize and put all students in the same bag. "

Araya explains that according to the municipality, the fire would have destroyed." It's totally wrong, "said the spokesman for parents and guardians of the high school of Amunátegui. from the student center states that "the conditions are deplorable for many years, since 2013, when the frontis burned, a third of the high school, and that the secondary school was not closed at that time The other report

"It should be noted that in certain sectors and constituencies of this block, another type of damage of a counterparty may be appreciated, totally unrelated to this incident and clearly of a more important date, like stories, such as walls and breaking walls, furniture, glbad, floor, pigeon droppings on steel stairs, etc. All this explains a notorious lack of maintenance of the building, however, dan s a simple view It can be understood that a large part of the speakers and parts of the same block are in good condition and that their furniture is in good condition or quite acceptable ", explains the l & # 39; Mario Neira study.

In the absence of knowledge of the study commissioned by the Municipal Education Branch of Santiago, Councilor Hbadler baderts that the only report available does not warrant the closure of the school. establishment. "There is a whim and a communicative willingness to show that here is a hard hand in the face of a situation, instead of putting at the center the right to public education of the children of Liceo Amunátegui", explained Hbadler at a symbolic clbad held at the entrance of Liceo Amunátegui this morning, rejecting the decisions of the mayor of Santiago.


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