Six months in prison for a retired military officer; must clean the memory plates – Judicial – Information – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


Judge Blanca Rieiro, gave way to the prosecutor's request and sentenced Thursday the retired military officer who was arrested for vandalizing the memorial plates that are at the military hospital and in the former General Reserve Officers Training Center (CGIOR)

The prosecutor, Diana Salvo, has applied for a six-month prison sentence under probation for two aggravated aggravated crimes in real life, as the author. He also asked that the man agrees to repair the damage done.

The CGIOR plaque, which was installed on June 21, appeared with a green paint that covered the legend. The same thing happened with that of the military hospital.

The tests on which they were based to find the author, were the surveillance cameras that detected the same vehicle in both places. After investigation, they identified that the registration belonged to a former member of the armed forces.

The man was brought to the prosecutor's office this morning to testify

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