Coyhaique Municipal Council declared as "non grata" person to Dr. Cordero – El Diario de Aysén


* Request for correction of their statements about the inhabitants of the city and the region

At the Ordinary Session No. 56 of the Coyhaique Municipal Council held this Wednesday, June 27, unanimously, he was decided to declare María Luisa Cordero – radio and television commentator better known as Dr. Cordero – as a person "non grata", this because of the offensive qualifiers expressed a few days ago where he still said that "Coyhaique is a very primitive region, the migrants who made up the region of General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo migrated from rural areas of Chiloé, they were not in school and this footprint was there. "

Thus the Mayor Alejandro Huala with Councilors Patricio Adio, Georgina Calisto, Franklin Hernandez, Ricardo Cantin, Hernan Rios and Ximena Carrasco unanimously concluded this agreement, which states that "even if the aforementioned commentator is helped by the dr oit of xpress, is no less true that their words have exceeded the tolerable limits to which makes use of this right, it is permissible to issue qualifiers relating to an entire territory. With his words, he has offended and corrupted people, for the simple fact of living in a remote region of the center of the country, also damaging the history and the recognition that the inhabitants of this commune feel for their Pioneers ", as well as that in the document facilitated to our means of communication, it is emphasized that "the sayings have shown a centralist animosity towards the inhabitants of the regions, showing intolerance and unacceptable hatred."

The communal leader said: Lamb for the way he has practically talked about insulting the citizens of this particular area of ​​the city, the truth is that I will be very outspoken in this area, I do not know if she has enough morality to criticize in this way. " Mayor Alejandro Huala, interviewed by El Diario de Aysén on this agreement, adding that Cordero – according to Huala-, does not seem to notice his Tuar, "with the Council in plenary session, it was decided this, an act that, although 39, it implies no direct effect, allows us to give a message and a way of underlining our discomfort for the way in which it evoked our region and our people ",

Similarly, the counselor Ricardo Cantín has commented on this: "she referred to the inhabitants of Coyhaique and the region with rather imprudent qualifications, and then, as a city council, we consider that the qualifiers were raised by national media coverage, which undermined in our image, "said the advisor to our environment.

Actions in Justice

of the agreement agreed on Wednesday, June 27, it is planned to bring actions in court, before which the Mayor said: "We spoke with the legal advisor and were told that we had the opportunity to reproduce it in the same program; so you can ask him to retract, not only her as we told the lawyer, but the means of communication, the radio in this case, "said Alejandro Huala.

Ricardo Cantín has added: "we intend to ask our right respond as the inhabitants and municipality of Coyhaique, in the same media where she uttered horrible terms, treating us uneducated, primitive and unthinking", said the mayor, also addressing a few words to the controversial media commentator, "let me tell you Dr. Cordero, this right to the Council, we also had a group of high school students from Altos del Mackay, who go to the Chilean Antarctic, awarded by a national competition, and another group of students from the Alianza Austral School, will represent Physics at home and travel to China for this, so I wonder, if it's not about thinking, what is it? 9; is? 59003] So, finally, he strongly criticizes the openness that the media offer to commentators who, in a way, give opinions without thinking about the consequences, "we do not want not be treated like that, unfortunately we are sometimes misperceived by centralization, For the state, we are forgotten … people like it hurt television, politics and citizenship, because there is also has ignorant people who use their words and believe that a little less we walk with feathers on their heads. "

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