Spokesperson of the laity of Talca: It is a little late, but it is difficult to ask for forgiveness


  Spokesperson of the Laity of Talca: It is a bit late, but it is difficult to ask forgiveness

After the decision of Pope Francis to accept the resignation of the bishops Alejandro Goic and Horacio Valenzuela (in the photo) the dioceses of Rancagua and Talca, respectively, Gustavo Madrid, spokesman of the laity of Talca, spoke with Tele13 Radio

He claimed that received the release "with hope but also disputed We must work to recover the delicacy of the Catholic Church and its crisis. "

Regarding the words of Horacio Valenzuela, who, leaving his post, has made a Madrid said: "It's a little late, but it's hard to excuse, when I ask for forgiveness, but it's appreciated."

He has added that they hoped that "these words of forgiveness we have all the Christians present and we we realize that we were all wrong, also the ecclesiastical authorities and for something that the Pope asked them to resign in the episcopal conference "

In addition, he stated that there are history of abuse and abuse of power in Talca . "In the Vatican press release, we do not know why they leave, but we know that in the ecclesiastical court there was a lawsuit against them" he told Conexión Tele13.

The spokesman said he was informed of an abuse at one point and did not report it . "You must do a whole mea culpa, bishops, priests and lay people, I have also made a mistake, I have not done much once I heard about one." I jumped and dropped. "

The Auxiliary Bishop of Santiago, Galo Fernández, was appointed apostolic administrator of the region and before that Madrid said that "we want to go and present ourselves as a community of laypeople to talk with him, to tell him to work together side by side. "

Listen to the full interview in the Podcast of Tele13 Radio.

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