VIDEO | "The most stupid thing I've ever heard": live between Raquel Argandoña and Cathy Barriga for Maipú


On the Occasion of the Notice of Controller Who Stopped the Excessive Use of the Image of Cathy Barriga in Broadcasting Municipal activities of Maipú, the mayor contacted by the Welcome to clarify the situation, where he engaged in an argument with Raquel Argandoña.

The fight, direct and direct on Channel 13, originated a comment that the panelist who says that they "were going to make an event and asked for quotes from the cheerleaders and he there was a more or less ready, they had given the date and everything, and she was ready, everything perfect, good Lucas, everything, and suddenly they call ponte tú Three days before the event, they say that They are really sorry because can not hire women who are thinner or taller or more gifted than the mayor, because the only one that must appear and highlight is the mayor of Maipú, Cathy B arriga Can you believe it? "

Given this, Barriga describes the comment as " the most stupid thing I've ever heard ". In this sense, and through a telephone contact, he claimed that "I work with serious people, I want to clarify it because the truth that has caught my attention."

The so-called 'Quintrala & # 39; stated that I was going to annoy, because that's true and I'm not going to reveal the source, but you know it's true "stating that the information came from one of his advisers, to which the mayor corrected it, stating that she had a "work team."

"I found that terrible, the stupidest thing in life that I could not hire thinner or taller people. " I work with serious people, I want to clarify because and the truth that has caught my attention, "said Barriga.

The former mayor of Pelarco revealed that the morning of Canla 13 was communicating with the mayor without result, but Cathy said, "I've worked with Rosita Parsons, Nicole Perez, Camila Recabarren, Savka Pollak, Lorena Micki … The truth is that there are a lot of things here … bad intention (…) I think it's very strange what he says, because it's disrespectful to me, to women. me, that I come from the world of the television, it did not work like that.I call for unfortunately my name is public and my image is in question. I was harshly punished because I come from TV and with great pride, I do not regret anything in my life. "

When it became clear that the discussion was becoming personal nnelle, they wanted to return to the subject that summoned them: the interrogated book of the Public Account 2018 that the RD deputy, Pablo Vidal, badured that it cost 48 million pesos and that for Argandoña "it seems a personal album ", for the amount of photographs in which Barriga appears.

The mayor clarified that they were 1200 books that were distributed among the 800 neighbors who attended, indeed, the public account of this year and who really cost four million pesos ] "They must understand my discomfort, the truth is missing here, there is a bad intention," said the authority, noting that she is studying the possibility of filing a complaint for insults and slanders.

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