Are you looking for a job? Check this program that includes Nestle



Approximately 30,000 young people from Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile, countries of the Pacific Alliance, will have the opportunity to access the Formal employment and work practices by 2020, announced "We are committed to providing 30,000 opportunities for young people by 2020," said Nestlé Americas General Manager Laurent Freixe, head of multinational who is at the origin of the project.

These opportunities are "direct employment, training and first practical experience."

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About 11,000 young people have already participated in the initiative of the company, which brings together 41 companies Global, regional and Colombian, which was launched three years ago "with the idea of ​​creating a bridge between the world of education and that of work", according to Freixe.

"We are in a moment of technological change, of change at every level of society, and if we want to focus on this change, there is no better way than to hire people. young people, who can help us meet the challenges of the future, "explained the director

The Youth of the Pacific Alliance, organized by the multinational, in order to give the floor to the young Latin Americans and discuss with the private sector and authorities the challenges and opportunities of their future work.

that motivates the company

In addition, Nestle has signed an agreement with the Service Colombia's National Learning Organization (SENA) to provide training and work practices in the food sector to 500 young people in the country, half of whom are victims of the armed conflict.

"It will be a training very important for young people, who will prepare them for my of work that they will meet, "said N. Este's director in Colombia, Javier Teixidó

This agreement program aims to provide employment opportunities to this group as well as to to give them advice on education and work, to train them and train them.

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