Riots in front of barracks of Carabineros in Natales leave two detainees after protest by court order


A demonstration in front of the barracks of the second police station of Carabinerios, accompanied by riots, left two detainees in Puerto Natales tonight
A peaceful march and a protest against the judicial decision exonerating an ex-rifleman of the beating. suffered by the young Gonzalo Muñoz, ended with a confrontation with police forces who guarded the police compound. In front of the throwing stones and bottles, it became necessary the intervention of Special Forces troops (pictured) who had to act with their car, launching water, a scuffle that left a balance of two prisoners
30 hours of normal return to the sector of the Plaza de Armas of this city.
As reported early, the Oral Criminal Court delivered its verdict after the conclusion of the trial for the murder of the young Natalino Gonzalo Muñoz
In short, the ex-rifleman Miguel Delgado was found guilty of attempting of murder and risk a sentence of more than 10 years in prison. Meanwhile, Pedro Loncuante, the other former carabinero, was acquitted of all charges, immediately recovering his freedom. Finally, Sebastián Cáceres was found guilty of the serious injuries suffered by Sady Galindo
In this way, the Court, within the scope of its powers, reclbadified the crime of attempted murder as a homicide, despite the fact that the Thursday rejected the prosecutor's test.
The communication of the sentence will take place on July 9, at 1:00 pm


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