Since last Saturday lost 12 children members of a football team and their trainer in a cave flooded north of Thailand.
The rains in Thailand made it difficult for rescue teams, supported by military, police and international experts who continue the search.

Some of the children's affairs were discovered by the authorities at the entrance of the cave located in the Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang No Nature Park, in Chiang Rai Province.
Among the found objects are: bicycles, shoes and other equipment.
Up to now, they have participated in researching about 1300 troops among which are a group of experienced divers and spelunkers from the UK.

During the first phase of the rescue the rangers managed to adent It was about 3 kilometers into the cave about 10 kilometers long
The spokesman for the teams emergency, Ruetaiwan Patisen, said that the interior of the cave was "flooded" and that it would have prevented them from leaving.
they used about twenty extraction pumps to reduce the level of water in the flooded parts of the cave, alternative accesses to the cave are sought, and packages with food and d & # 39; Other emergency effects were launched in the cavities

In addition, emergency teams carry out drills for the transfer of victims.

>> In the past three days, 12 children were trapped in a cave in Thailand
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