Huawei announced that every two months will update some of their smartphones


The facial unlock will be one of the first updates that will offer this Chinese brand.

  Huawei announced that every two months will update some of their smartphones
Huawei has announced that some of its smartphones will be updated every two months

On June 28, the Chinese multinational Huawei announced that it will be the first of its kind. was committed to providing consumers with bi-weekly updates for some of its devices launched between 2017 and 2018, according to the Ausdroid news portal.

It will also include new versions of the system for a large number of mobile phones. One of the proposals for consumer safety is that for terminals that do not yet have the function of facial recognition, their first update will be to have this program that will allow them to unlock their mobile devices.

Huawei said that once they have created their facial profile, there will be several options available to users . Among these, it highlights the automatic unlocking of the screen with just hold the phone in the face and there will also be an option to allow them to see the time and notifications that appear without having to unlock their phone completely. an important step forward in protecting consumer cell phone information that will complement existing security integrations in these mobile phones, such as scanning fingerprints and pbadwords, mechanisms available in most smartphones . 19659008] Although the statements made by the CEO of Huawei Australia do not specify the cellular models that will have this advantage branding, it is expected that the mobile devices of the brand will be included. first line with the P, Mate and Nova series terminals launched between 2017 and 2018. [19659008] Among the models that will perhaps receive not only the most recent advances in terms of security, but also the new features of the series. Android, are as follows: P10, P20 and P20 Pro; like Mate9, Mate10 and Mate10 Pro; Finally, the Nova3e, Nova 2elite, and Nova 2i .

However, we will have to wait a little longer for Huawei 's other statements to know what other new surprises will bring to their users.

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