The President of Asoducam Punta Arenas exposed his commercial concerns to the Minister of Transport


director of the National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile and
The President of Asoducam Punta Arenas, Miguel Cárdenas, met with
Santiago with Transport Minister Gloria Hutt; the head of
International Transport Division, Pablo Ortiz, and the head of
Standards Division, Lorena Araya.

the meeting, Cárdenas gave an account of the main problems
The drivers of the Magallanes region suffer, among which
underlines the stagnation of the truck parking which it promoted in 2008,
in the first government of President Sebastián Piñera, and that nowadays
is still pending on behalf of the regional government.

the leader, the project will directly benefit the community, which
you will not see big trucks in the streets anymore,
which hinder the normal development of traffic, both in the
city ​​as in its urban center and thus get a real
road safety.

In turn, Cárdenas made known the problems related to the presence
final of a Senasa official at the border crossing Integration
Austral, commitment made by the Argentine government that until the day
today is still not implemented.

point raised by the President of Asoducam Punta Arenas was "the small
corporate social responsibility demonstrated by many companies
Magallanes region, which favors large companies
freight transport, arrivals from other parts of the country, leaving aside
the small truckers of the region, generating a great economic crisis
in the area. "

finalized, Cárdenas commented that "the big problem nowadays
Magellan is the value of freight, where the big generators of
burden, despite the benefits that they receive from the state, are
the cancellation of a meager amount to truckers for the transportation of goods
from and to
the region in relation to the rest of the country. "

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