Minister Monckeberg set up a work table and launch a plan for employment and retraining with former Maersk workers


Saturday, June 30, 2018
Minister Monckeberg establishes a work table and begins a plan of employment and conversion with the former workers of Maersk

This Saturday, the Minister of Labor and Security Social, Nicols Monckeberg, goes to San Antonio install and direct? next to the mayor Jorge Martnez, the governor, Gabriela Alcalde, the mayor of the municipality, Omar Vera, and the national director of the Sence, Juan Manuel Santa Cruz, the working table with the former workers and representatives of the 39 Maersk company, with the aim of initiating the plan of employment and conversion.

In this case, the government authority has granted 40 training scholarships for the basic security course in port operations to former employees of the company, who will then work in the port of San Antonio.

Regarding the working meeting, the portfolio minister stressed that efforts will be concentrated on training former business workers who need it and promoting private sector investment and the regional government. badist and make available all existing instruments. We have coordinated concrete actions defining the areas of training, to accompany the workers, so that they find new and better jobs as quickly as possible. "

In addition, he stated that" there is a unitary spirit. If there are no political colors, it is clear that all: unions, businesses, the government and the municipality must work together so that workers find new employment opportunities on as soon as possible and for that they will receive our full support.

Carlos Garca, the first union of Maersk, said: "It was a satisfying meeting, because there is a spirit of collaboration and cooperation regarding the projects that the workers have, in recovering our sources of work, and we are deeply satisfied.

On the other hand, Cristin Valenzuela, union secretary number 2, said that "the meeting seemed very good, because concrete solutions are being sought in the short term." a good way to offer us training to certify the workers, so that tomorrow morning they will be recognized as good elements in the field. "

While Katherine Iturriaga, former Maersk soldier and scholarship recipient, that this opportunity is important to me, because it's an example for me to grow into a new work area, I'm very grateful.

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