José Antonio Meade, honest and prepared, but with faience


Regarded as the candidate with the best preparation and experience to become the next president of the country, José Antonio Meade could not get rid of three things during the campaign: the discredit of President Enrique Peña Nieto, his party and that of

Although he was the one who led the best closing of the campaign, everything seems to indicate that he has no aspiration to win the victory this Sunday, July 1st.

Some badysts believe that PRIistas left him alone because they did not consider him theirs (he is not an activist of the PRI).

And although he connects with the elite, he does not do it with the bulk of the population.

He swallowed the poison of Peña negatives. 19659006] The PRI candidate to the presidency, José Antonio Meade had a series of nonsense, blind sticks and strategic mistakes in the campaign that put him out of the obvious possibility of success, said the consultant in the field of strategic communication, Claudio Flores Thomas.

" He wanted to be a citizen, priísta, heir to Enrique Peña Nieto, who finally led to that he did not know that he wanted to do or what you want become. "

He pointed out that this kind of gaffes during an election period is very expensive because it's time to make political proposals that attract the attention of voters and that it's n & # 39; There is no place to make mistakes.

The specialist has argued that the problem of Jose Antonio Meade is that all the time of the campaign was loading three tiles: the first one is called Enrique Peña Nieto, which has a rejection rate between 80 and 85%, the second is the PRI, with a brand image completely worn out, with terrible corruption events such as the cases of the former governor of Veracruz Javier Duarte of Ochoa, and the third is the federal government, of which Meade himself is a member. In the latter sense, he stated that the problem is that Meade is located as the father of gasolinazo and is one of the main attacks that have been made and of course, it caused him a lot of damage.

Flores Thomas said that the problems that most affected the proselytizing campaign of the All for Mexico alliance candidate were that they never allowed him to distance himself even though it was the management of the President of the Republic, Enrique Peña Nieto.

" He swallows all the negatives and every spoonful of Peña's negatives is a spoonful of poison to José Antonio Meade's candidacy."

He conducted a standard campaign

The PRI candidate to the Presidency of the Republic, José Antonio Meade, had a very heterogeneous campaign, which n & # 39; "It did not give good results and the worst speech of the contenders in the race," said political badyst Sabino Bastidas.

In an interview he explained that it was from a campaign "very different: she started in the party with a very internal campaign, very endogenous, because what she needed was to save, legitimize her role before the PRI because she was apparently closer to the PAN or more citizen and then had an inner campaign. "

According to him, the problem is that it was a campaign" very standard "," non-original ". Events always mbadive. He did not start curdling. He had a speech and a narrative problem throughout the campaign.

The expert felt that the worst speech in terms of proposition, offer, diction, pronunciation, was José Antonio Meade.

He said that in the campaign team the former Secretary of Finance tried to make a campaign strategy without a candidate, which had no major impact and had to make some adjustments that did not have a positive impact either.

Although Meade had more or less impact on the media in places where he was performing proselytizing tours, the problem was that once he moved out he There was no follow-up campaign that allowed citizens to form a good opinion of him as a candidate for the presidency of the Republic and to give them confidence, which is reflected in the ballot box. 19659002] Similarly, Sabino Bastidas commented that the alliance candidate formed by the PRI, PVEM and Nueva Alianza had some good moments in the networks, but did not reflect that he had

They left it alone and with ballasts

Meade is the presidential candidate with the best closure of the campaign; However, he failed to stand out because of the weight of the initials that represent the PRI, despite the fact that he wanted to stand as an independent politician, honest and prepared, said José Antonio Crespo.

For the researcher at the Center for Economic Research and CIDE) was a bad combination the idea of ​​conveying to the electorate that Meade was not PRI, but at the same time trying to convince the PRI that he was their candidate. " This was a disadvantage because it was not militant, so many PRI members, from outside the PRI, would not give their vote to go with the PRI.The PRI did not close ranks either because it did not come from the PRI, so this combination went wrong because you look like a PRI outside the PRI, but you do not look like it inside the PRI. "

He argued that Meade's profile, as in his day was that of Miguel de Lamadrid and Ernesto Zedillo, was more an experienced official than he was in the past. a politician, but unlike them The victory is not guaranteed because the PRI no longer has the strength or control it had before.

The profile of an official does not stand not connect with a broad sector of the population, only with the elites.

raised that, without a doubt, the main problem of the campaign of Jose Ant Onio Meade was to be postulated by the PRI, because it is obvious that he would hardly be able to break away from third place because the problems are the acronyms and that people do not want to Crespo, the change in the direction of the PRI and the movements that were made in the Meade campaign came late, because for many, it was said that Enrique Ochoa was not the one to be in front of the PRI and in charge of a campaign as relevant as this one.

He said that although the changes had effects, the time was lost, so in the end the possibility of defeating is difficult to see

He added that it was difficult for Meade to to distance himself from President Enrique Peña Nieto because it is finally him who appointed him. as a candidate, who gave him the confidence, and did it was like going against his own political sponsor.

It closed better, but it still did not reach

With a rebound in the polls and with the best closing of presidential candidates, this It's as if José Antonio Meade was coming to the final stretch of the 90-day campaign, said Roy Campos.

The chairman of Consulta Mitofsky stated that, both in the organization on earth and in the speech, there was a clear change in the campaign of the four times Secretary of State

" ] There was a candidate who admitted that he was denying and not the PRI, between which he said that I am not a PRI, I am independent, he looked ambiguous, but as he stands defined more of the PRI and put on his red jacket, his speech was more congruent. "

He said that since the second presidential debate, Meade has managed to put issues in public opinion such as the appointment of Nestora Salgado in the Senate of the Republic although accused of kidnapping.

He closes the campaign better, but He started late and came from afar, dragging the party, the government and the imprisoned governors. [19659002] From his point of view, Meade was not well treated by the polls, since 9, it has almost never been removed from third place. them. "He showed anger to survey aggregators, along with the Council of Businessmen, for failing to broadcast the survey where he ranked second."

However, he felt that he was using these to modify his campaign, as he saw that he did not raise in the vote preference, he decided to make fundamental changes in its strategy.

For Campos, the main strength of Jose Antonio Meade is that he is considered a good and honest man, because no one can speak of having offended " He is considered honest, at point that when they tried to hit there it did not work, so they did not try it because they know nothing about dishonesty.

Throughout the campaign, José Antonio Meade's main weakness was the PRI mark, because it represented a brake rather than an accelerator . It's not that I do not do the opposite good, it's not that I'm not honest, but voting for him would mean voting for the PRI and people do not want the PRI to continue . "

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