Barcelona will not have a giant screen


The Football World Cup has become a new hotbed of conflict between the regional government of Catalonia and the Spanish state, with the ghost of Catalan independence between the two.

The movement "Barcelona with the National Team" was looking for a private space to install a giant screen to expose the parties, before the refusal of the city authorities to give up public space for such purposes.

The first of the initiative was a success: some 4,000 people came to see the 3 -3 against Portugal at the League Camp, a small stadium in the city. Now, after several days of debate between the organizers and the city council led by leftist Ada Colau, the fight will not be launched here.

"We do not accept the blackmail of Colau," they say in "Barcelona with the Selection", where they accuse "an unacceptable change of conditions", such as reducing the capacity to 2,500 people and the waiver in advance for the issuance of the final. "The fear of seeing a different Barcelona from that of the consistory wanting to sell is huge, because if for the first game we managed to gather so many people, how could we meet in the future?", They say.

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