Where is the cultural battle going?


Photograph: Isidoro Valenzuela M.

There is no turning back. This is the main conclusion of the women who are observing today and are part of the feminist wave who has been on the streets of cities for two months, leads the academic debate and seeks the formula to devote

From the academy and organizations that defend the rights of women there is also a complete agreement on the need to generate short-term advances as are the protocols against harbadment, abuse and discrimination that are built in various study homes.

Notwithstanding this, they note that there are already points that can be considered victories. Among them, the dispute over the speech and the firm installation of the repudiation of expressions with macho accents. Before, experts say, the language is naturalized. Today, at least, it is a matter of discussion when it is not directly rejected.

Another element that generates cohesion in the badysis is the temporality factor. The condition of "third" of the current badault of organized women is not a coincidence. The feminists of Chile in the middle of the 20th century fought to be able to pay ; those of the decade of the 80s were fierce defenders of Human Rights. Today, the claim of the deepening of rights and contempt for all forms of violence gives self-organized students the "last wave" label. The present or the last, but by no means the only one.

Alejandra Brito, author of the book "Autonomy and Subordination: Women in Concepción, 1840-1920" and researcher of the currents of gender and social history, believes that the current mobilizations are the result of the accumulated strength of past experiences, but especially of the long process of reflection and the order that generated the so-called "feminist silence".

"It's not that it suddenly appeared, it's not that it's a spontaneous question. It is rather a process that has been brewing for some time and that has to do with the feeling that women do not want to continue to tolerate situations of abuse or harbadment, "says the researcher, who points out that the students who lead the movement have a political formation, but given by militancy in the feminist collectives.

This is a peculiarity that stands out. Also the immediate effects of agitation, not necessarily different from those of previous waves, but nuanced by the present time.

In this sense, Lorena Astudillo coordinator of the Chilean network against violence against women – entity born in 1990 – stresses that young women have managed to save the right on more basic of any human being, particularly violated in the case of women and sadly present nowadays: "They emphasize that femicide is the maximum expression of the violence suffered by women, but it is also necessary to make visible more subtle manifestations, such as varied discrimination, not only in the area of ​​the couple, but also in life

. ] badual harbadment, street harbadment, insecure jobs, the feminization of poverty . There are many other forms that are also needed to make visible, because they pay for extreme violence, such as femicide. "

Astudillo also comments that now" the other half "is realizing that the history of our country it was built on the basis of a series of crimes against women. "We know it and we live every day. The strategies we have to avoid violations are shown and we have always learned them. "

Like any social movement, its frame of influence is also given by the ability to turn slogans into concrete actions, so the political arena is a terrain to walk on. case of feminists, knowing that it has never been easy to enter the interstices of power.

Claudia Dides, executive director of Miles Foundation includes In 2000, he presented a project to recognize the badual and reproductive rights of women saying that no parliamentarian or government, now and now, has put it on the table. "The cars of women's claims, of human rights, have always been heavy in this country and this has to do with the elites, who fail to understand the demands in their depth. In this sense, the car is always heavy to push and, for women, with more reason. Today there is a woman's agenda but it's not relevant to the demands, it's only a political strategy " says the sociologist.

And what about The cradle of this mobilization continues in an intense forum on the steps to be followed, although the consensus around protocols to prevent and punish harbadment is total.

"There are important changes that will be implemented that involve changes in regulations and practices. The regulations are a support for dealing with inappropriate practices and for promoting good ones, "says Lucía Saldaña, Director of Gender Equity and Diversity of the University of Concepción. [19659003] Same vision as she puts in table Ximena Gauché, deputy director of the university division, who states that "the goal we must ask ourselves is that change be substantial and effective I think we are today at a stage where people perceive that there are things that can no longer be done.The step we must take is to have a real conviction and not out of fear of social reproach. "

" From this point of view, there is no turning back, that is the great potential of this movement, "says the l & # 39; lawyer, as a maxim shared by all

Spokesperson of the Equity Commission : "It is dif ficeless to see that so many requirements have arisen in the universities "

Castro Undersecretary of Nursery Education, now leads the work of the Commission on Equality Genera an instance generated in the fire of feminist claims and seeking to review all the policies of Ministry of Education on non-discrimination, from curriculum to training of teachers


In an interview with Diario Concepción, the government official underlines the work done and expresses his regrets on denunciations in universities

– What have been the progress of the commission and of the agenda of women who push the government?

– We are working at a table, we have two sessions, the next is Thursday and we will invite people who know specific topics to help us in the diagnosis we are preparing. What we did, after these first two sessions, agreed to a clear diagnosis on the question of education because we have to work equity in the l 39; education for non-badist education. 19659005] – Do new problems emerge in the diagnosis that is under development?

– Of course, in diagnosis, there are problems to deal with, which we must deal with, which are mainly related to missing stereotypes replicate at school, because the school is a space which reproduces what is happening in society.

– What is the central role of in-depth work at school to eradicate badist practices?

– While it is true that the school is where the changes are generated, we must also think that these must occur at the level of society. The school is not isolated from society. Indeed, there are teachers or perhaps most teachers have similar stereotypes that make women have a professional or academic career that does not meet their vocation, interest, abilities or potential. These are the factors we seek to determine in order to work with teachers, mainly

– Therefore, is the demand for gender-sensitive education reflected in La Moneda?

– Yes. The issue of women comes from many years ago and, in fact, this government, precedent and precedent of President Piñera, were governments that took the issue of women 's. a strong and energetic way . What we are doing now with this application, which we must acknowledge that the students install them, is to take it with force and with all the professionalism that corresponds – for it is true that it is a subject that responds to a long-term problem and we are convinced that there are times when the topics must be taken, it is to deal with it with all the rigor that corresponds. Thus, we project in the medium and long term these difficulties, these problems, like supposed and realized challenges

– A reduction of the question of gender and no discrimination for the universities of state was generated. What is happening with the other institutions?

– There are policies or demands that can be made to states differently, which does not mean that all universities, IPs and CFTs must not rigorously meet established standards and all that is dictated. However, what can not happen here is that everything is imposed

– Will the autonomy of the institutions be privileged?

– This is not imposing standards. Here, each educational community, what you need to do, is to agree to generate a protocol consistent with your project and your reason for being

– But what are the minima proposed by the Ministry of Education? on this specific point?

– We believe that all that is abuse, harbadment, the least, all of this, must be protocolized. The rules must be very clear, also distinguishing what is a crime. Everything about something that goes against the person, we have to deal with it, but there are a lot of things that have to do with the appropriation of the universities. We are going to suggest a lot, but this has to be done inside the institutions

– Was it a surprise for the portfolio to reproduce harbadment complaints? abuse and discrimination in universities?

] Yes, indeed. It is hard to realize and see that many of these demands have come up and, of course, it is serious. Not only is it good to receive it, but we condemn it completely, because it is something that should never happen again

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