the space is full of toxic and dirty space grease


Astronomers claim that space is contaminated by fat molecules. Research estimates the quantity of these molecules in the form of " fat space l" in the Milky Way through laboratory tests. The Austro-Turkish team discovered enough fat by laboratory tests resembling certain processes occurring in the stars

Spatial fat is composed of dust and carbon

Professor Tim Schmidt University of New South Wales, Sydney, is one of the authors of the survey and said that the elements found in this fat are several, for example, dust, silicates and in the Space by the action of the sun these elements are transported from one place to another

To establish the scientific facts and the amount of space grease that can be badumed to exist Schmidt and his colleagues recreated in the laboratory a process that occurs in carbon stars. The test was conclusive ", . This allowed us to estimate the amount of fatty carbon in some stars "Schmidt said. They discovered that there were at least 100 carbon atoms per million atoms of hydrogen, a surprising amount since we can talk about more than 25% of the total carbon in our galaxy.

As for the type of space grease that abounds in the universe is not at all desirable, it is rather disgusting, " This space grease is not not the one that we want to spread in your bread "said Schmidt. " It's dirty, harmful ." With these claims, there is no doubt that the newfound spatial grease will continue to be studied, especially since many space missions [VIDEO] are underway.

However, other researchers also believe that these fats may have another purpose and not necessarily soil the space.

Regarding the surprising discovery, Helen Fraser, professor of astronomy at the Open University, said: "We still do not know how dust is formed and destroyed ". Fraser thinks that there are more elements very similar to the space grease . " the adhesion of these particles may be related to the origin of life or the formation of planets ," he explained. This cosmic dust may be dirty in human judgment, but it may be a necessary element for many complex processes. According to Fraser's statements, his ideas seem to be related to what other scientists are saying about how the solar wind carries these particles and, as the space probes [VIDEO] go further, many more mysteries will be including.

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