Sebastián Piñera in front of critics: The legislative drought "is an invention of the PS"


President Sebastián Piñera left Saturday to face criticism of the opposition over alleged legislative drought: he said the Socialist Party "is precisely in its policy of salt deprivation and water " He announced that in the coming weeks he will launch the government program and send a series of bills to Congress among which he will highlight the reforms of the pension system and isapres

. they believe that countries only argue with laws, laws are important, but the attitude, the willingness, the quality of government management, the powers of the state and of civil society is also important. This Legislative Drought This is an Invention of the Socialist Party ", said the president to the newspaper La ​​Tercera .

" They are the ones who have established this criterion of legislative drought. legislative frenzy, now speaks of legislative drought. In those first three months, we introduced 21 legislative initiatives, 17 bills, and established 45 legislative emergencies. "

" We also had difficulties with the Congress, because the urgency that the government puts in place they are not duly respected ", added the president

" (with respect to the 39, attitude of the opposition), I want to be very fair: I think there are different sectors of the opposition. There is a part of the opposition that has opted for a path of great hardness. I do not know if that will change or not, but up to here what they do, it's denying salt and water, "he said. [19659002] "They retain the legislative agenda, abusing instruments such as arrests and constitutional charges, anything they can bring to the comptroller's office, with or without reason. This is not the road to collaboration. "But there is another part of the opposition, I think, with genuine authentic will to collaborate from their own point of view, of course. And I appreciate that and I like it a lot. "

The Projects That the Executive Will Send

" Governments should not be judged by how many laws govern, but to improve the quality of life of their compatriots? " The President said about the delay of the government's flagship projects

" I am sure that Chile is doing much better than March 11 of this year. I think it takes three months to thoroughly badyze, gather all the information that was in the government, (…) listen to new ministers, new under-secretaries, listen to many parties is absolutely cautious and necessary. Now we are ready " he adds.

Among the new initiatives, Piñera pointed out" the m odernización de Carabineros, the project that establishes the salacuna and the education universal preschool all children of Chile; the bill creating the Department of Family and Social Development; the project which improves the pensions of the Chileans, but with a priority and a particular interest for the women the poorest and the middle clbad. "

" We will send the project which modernizes the isapres system, ending with the pre-existences and establishing a more equitable way of allocating the cost of maternity and the elderly; the tax modernization project, which consists of simplifying the system so that it is understandable for ordinary human beings, and ends with the arbitrariness and discretion of the Internal Revenue Service ", concluded Sebastián Piñera. [ad_2]
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