Trump says "the EU is perhaps as bad as China" in commercial practices | International


US President Donald Trump compared the European Union's trade practices with those of China during an interview published this Sunday

"The Union European is perhaps as bad as China, just that is smaller " told Trump's" Sunday Morning Futures "program on Fox News.

The Europeans "had a trade surplus of $ 151 billion last year because we have a deficit with the European Union and, besides that, we are spending a fortune in the United States. NATO to protect them, "he said.

"It's terrible what they did to us," said the tycoon.

"We all love the European Union in one way or another, I was there many years ago, in the sense that my parents were born in the United States. European Union, "he said, adding that he believes that these countries " treat us very badly, treat us very unfairly ".

Trump justified his decision to impose tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum to all US trading partners: "If we do not have them for all then it is they (the producing countries) who go through them.

When asked if it would not be more practical to confront China with its allies, he responded negatively.

Europeans "do not want our agricultural products. They honestly have their farmers and want to protect their farmers. But we do not protect ours, "he said.

He also badured that he would not back down in his decision to impose tariffs on Chinese products and that he would not be allowed to pay. he would tax more products if he could not reach an agreement. "China wants to reach an agreement and me too, but it will have to be a fair deal for this country," he said. 19659010] A "fairer" NAFTA

This Sunday, Canada's retaliatory rights over American products, such as Florida's orange juice, ketchup and Kentucky bourbon, came into effect.

Canada and the United States are among the world's largest trading partners with estimated trade in goods and services of $ 673.9 billion in 2017, with the United States recording a slight surplus of 8.4 billions of dollars.

At the request of Trump, his country renegotiates with Canada and Mexico the Li North American Trade Exchange (NAFTA). "I could sign it tomorrow but I'm not happy, I want to make it fairer, is not it?" He said in the interview, adding that he wants to wait "after the elections "in November.

The President also referred to the automotive market: "They send a Mercedes, we do not"

In addressing another controversial issue with Europe, Trump reiterated that European companies doing business with the # Iran would be punished: "Yes, of course, that's what we do," he replied.

After announcing on May 8 that the United States was pulling out of 39, nuclear agreement with Iran 2015, Trump began the countdown to restore the sanctions of his country against the Islamic Republic, which had been lifted under this text.] Window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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