Early Warning Warning: Check for Updates of Onemi by Front End System – National


  Preventive Early Warning: Check for updates of Onemi by the frontal system

Also this Sunday has been declared Preventative Early Warning in the region of Aysén by frost.

24Horas.cl TVN


Onemi began reporting on regional updates of Early Warning Alerts reported by the weather this weekend.

Also, this Sunday declared the same measure for the region of Aysén by frost which will be of moderate to intense intensity, in the days of Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 July , in the Cordilleran sectors.

Monday temperatures are reported to have a minimum of -15 ° C and a high of -8 ° C, while on Tuesdays the minimum will be -12 ° C and the maximum of -8 ° C [19659009] #ONEMIAysen Reported #Alerta Early warning for the region of Aysen by frost. For more information: https://t.co/1zOIFZSZLl pic.twitter.com/0EuNWoGWeL

– onemichile (@onemichile) 1 July 2018

See the updated status of the remains of alerts:

#ONEMILosRios Updates and modifies the cover #Alerta Early warning for the communes of Panguipulli, Futrono, Río Bueno and Lago Ranco by meteorological event. Learn more at https://t.co/pKjVMycA1R pic.twitter.com/0tOV7Zsutj

– onemichile (@onemichile) 1 July 2018

#ONEMIValpo updates and altered cover #Alerta Early warning for the Valparaíso region, with the exception of the province of Easter Island and the municipality of Juan Fernández due to weather phenomena. Learn more at https://t.co/iAw0HepI32 pic.twitter.com/ckxlPVKDx7

– onemichile (@onemichile) July 1, 2018

#ONEMIBiobio updates #Alerta Early warning for the provinces of Biobío, Concepción and Ñuble by meteorological event. For more information, visit https://t.co/QqKyq4I1SD pic.twitter.com/tOFQfNCTW1

– onemichile (@onemichile) 1 July 2018

#ONEMIBiobio updates #Alerta Yellow for the province of Arauco by meteorological event. For more information, see https://t.co/GIrwR3FpeS pic.twitter.com/s4tShsweVg

– onemichile (@onemichile) July 1, 2018


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