Rise of basic prices of isapres began to govern this Sunday


From this Sunday the increase in basic prices in health plans of the isapres that will affect nearly two million affiliates according to data from the Superintendence of health

. in prices is part of a process of changes in health care providers that was announced in March and will last until June 2019, indicating that isapres have the faculty of adjust annual rates. [19659002] This measure "generates the sensation among users that prices rise permanently, these increases are applied every month after each contract pays its rent," explains the former Superintendent of Health, Sebastián Pavlovich

The prices that will increase prices in health plans are Cruzblanca, with 7.7%, followed by Colmena and Consalud . While Banmedica, Vida Tres and Nueva Más Vida will not change the values ​​

The lawyer and partner of mesubieronelplan.cl Carlos Tagle said that "these increases will continue to be repeated because & ## There is no real cost to the isapres, things are ridiculous (…) remain exactly the same even though Cortes says every year that it's arbitrary. "

Users can accept price increases or, with a prior badessment, terminate the contract to change health care provider

Congress Calls for Urgency in Isapres Law

The President of the Health Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, ] Juan Luis Castro (PS), described these increases as "a bucket of cold water" for users of the private health system.

"They are still waiting for the government to send the bill that modifies the private health system, which controls the price of insurance, which avoids abuses." We are very enthusiastic in the parliament of Be able to approve and send a law very soon but we must send it to Congress first, "said the deputy

. "this will send to Congress a battery of projects", among which the reforms of the pension system and isapres were emphasized.

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