Diego Ancalao and Piñera plan for La Araucanía: "Your message is absolutely violent"


What happened? This week President Sebastián Piñera presented the "Plan Araucanía Impulsa". In addition, he presented a police group specialized in terrorism for the macro zone of La Araucanía.

To discuss these new government measures, the president of the Institute of Indigenous Development and Leadership, Diego Ancalao, was at CNN Chile. understand that his message (that of Sebastian Piñera) is absolutely violent, because there is a symbolic violence in a poor region to which he has tanks of 3 million dollars ", he said.

In addition , Ancalao refers to the integration of the Mapuche people and fight against poverty in the region

President Piñera and criticism of the legislative drought: "Countries do not live only laws"

Posted by CNN Chile on Sunday, July 1, 2018

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