Violence stains elections in which López Obrador is favorite



The Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the favorite for to win the presidential elections in Mexico marked by brutal violence that left this Sunday Two activists were killed and more than a hundred were killed in less than a year

"It's a historic day," López Obrador told the press before voting

. the people will give us their support (…) will accomplish this transformation without violence, in a peaceful way, it will be an ordered and at the same time profound change ", he added surrounded by his wife , his children and a cloud of journalists in an electoral center in the south of Mexico.

In his third consecutive attempt to reach the presidential presidency, AMLO, as he is known among Mexicans, is billed as the anti-system candidate and is the favorite in the latter , with over 20 points ahead of their traditional party rivals: Ricardo Anaya led by a coalition of right and left (PAN, PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano) and José Antonio Meade of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), who appears in third position

In the same voting center where López Obrador voted, taxi driver Gustavo Félix expressed his concern about the election results . "Everything seems to indicate that Obrador will be the winner, I just hope that is not the big winner in Congress, because otherwise we will live in dictatorship ", at- he says.

In addition to electing the president, some ] 89 million Mexicans are called to vote r governors, mayors, senators and local and federal deputies among the most 18 thousand positions in dispute. This is the first time that so many charges are elected in one process.

"Bloody" Elections

The elections put an end to the "bloody" election campaign in the recent history of Mexico with at least 145 politicians murdered since September ( of 48 of them were candidates and candidates), when the electoral process began, according to Etellekt's cabinet.

Significantly larger than the number recorded in 2012 when nine politicians and one candidate were murdered.

Flora Reséndiz González a member of the Labor Party (PT) of Mexico joined the list of the dead after being murdered this Sunday "with a gun" in the state of Michoacán (west) before the opening of the polls for the elections, the regional prosecutor's office reported

later, a member of the PRI in power was badbadinated in the 39, central state of Puebla

Trump against AMLO.

  Donald Trump

If you win, one of the biggest questions is AMLO's relationship with US President Donald Trump and most importantly, how do two models They will be so antagonistic that they will work on both sides of the Rio Grande, on issues as vital as migration and negotiations for a new North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

For their part, the US government badured that Nothing will change.

"I think people would be surprised but President Trump will have the same treatment with him as with other foreign leaders he hopes to meet him soon," said John Bolton National Security Advisor to the US President.

"A meeting between the leaders can give surprising results," he added in an interview with Fox News.

The hour left?

For the first time in decades, the left can accede to the presidency of the second Latin American economy.

All candidates promised to fight against violence and corruption . But López Obrador, 64, knew how to take advantage of this boredom in Mexico, after the six-year administration of Enrique Peña Nieto marked by corruption and denunciations of violations of human rights.

In his nation project 2018-2024, AMLO plans a rescue of the countryside revise the millionaire contracts resulting from the energy reform, an "austere government without luxury or privilege" and reduce the salaries of senior officials even in 50% Everything to increase social programs and reduce poverty

The problem is that many Mexicans and badysts criticize a lack of concrete proposals under a "populist" rhetoric that Could lead the country on the same path of economic crisis in Venezuela

It is the fear of Eugenio Mejía, a 26 year old young man, who works in a street stall

"J & Was going to vote for López Obrador, but I think he's not ready I'm going to vote for Anaya, "he said. Nicknamed the "young wonder" for his dizzying political rise, Anaya 39, runs after AMLO . In a fresh style, he shows his proposals in exhibitions worthy of Apple or Google, more inspired by the leaders of Silicon Valley than by political rancor.

During the vote, Anaya also showed confidence in his results: I am convinced that this day will be a great day for Mexico. "Voting" will favor us " he added.

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