AMLO Leads Exit Survey in Mexico Presidential Elections


Mexico City – The panorama seems to favor Andrés Manuel López Obrador .

A first exit poll that was unveiled Sunday night after polls closed across the country indicated that López Obrador is ahead with about 20 percentage points, although in the poll Mitofsky aired on Televisa II was clear if the second place would be for the conservative Ricardo Anaya or the official Jose Antonio Meade.

Shortly after this trend was announced, Meade acknowledged that the numbers did not favor it. "For the good of Mexico, I wish you every success," he said.

Satiety and the need for change was the main feeling with which Mexicans went to the polls during the elections, which could mean that a country's left gets tired of traditional political parties that were unable to contain corruption and violence.

"Mexico has been repeating mistakes for many years, people are already tired, tired," said Carlos Cueva, a dental surgeon from Guadalajara who voted in Mexico City and chose to give his vote on the left López Obrador (AMLO), the election favorite

At 6:00 pm, central time, the first boxes started to close but those in which there were still voters remained open until everyone exercised his right because of different time zones in Mexico.

The first exit polls broadcast by local media predicted clear victories also in the governors of the coalition led by AMLO in four states apart from the capital. [19459007AccordingtotheseunofficialpollsLópezObrador'sMORENAallieswouldhaveanadvantageinChiapasMorelosTabascoVeracruzandMexicoCity

It seems that the Partido Acci n Nacional (PAN) Conservative win in the & # 39; state of Guanajuato.

After voting, the citizens left with the thumb inked, an indelible sign of their civic participation. In many places there were long lines. In other cases, the disorder caused discomfort and complaints on the part of the population.

"This country is very turbulent, we have to break the system of power … there is a lot of inequality, a lot of violence and this thing has to be changed," said Hugo Carlos , 73, who also supported the favorite, in a polling station.

The desire for change was also an expectation of those who supported other options.

"The situation can not continue like that but, definitely, what I do not want is that López Obrador wins," said Nayarí López, a native of Monterrey but who voted in the capital. "We play everything," he added after having badured that his vote would go to conservative Ricardo Anaya because he thought it was the most "useful" to counter the leftists.

Second in the encuetas, Anaya leads a singular coalition between the right-wing National Action Party (PAN) and her former Democratic Revolution Party (PRD, left) and makes the most useful vote of her campaign argument.

Even those who said they were sympathetic to Jose Antonio Meade, of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), claimed that he was the candidate for change because he was not affiliated with the left. "Meade is the best prepared," said Lourdes Hernandez, retired nurse and teacher. "What we must do is control whoever wins so that he does not steal",

Meade appeared third in the polls and in a distant fourth was the independent Jaime Rodríguez "El Bronco" .

In addition to the president, on Sunday, the head of the government of the capital was elected, eight governors, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate were renewed and voted for thousands of local offices.

The day pbaded with relative calm although some isolated incidents did not fail. In the Veracruz mountain area, for example, a box was closed for a few hours because of the presence of armed men

The favorite – AMLO, 64, who heads the coalition "Together we will do history "- badured that his victory will involve a transformation as deep and radical as independence or revolution, but without bloodshed. His rivals accused him of being populist and wanting to return to a protectionist policy, and big corporations are wary of him.

However, one of the factors that fueled their support is the growing mistrust of people towards traditional parties. The presidency of the country has been in the hands of the PRI, during most of the 20th century and the current one, and the PAN (from 2000 to 2012) and both are called by López Obrador "the mafia of the power".

The words and charisma of this politician for that it was the third, and he said, the last attempt to get the presidency – he ran in 2006 and 2012 – received a lot of support but some of those who said that they would vote for him At his meetings, like Juan Carlos Enríquez, 30, he did not receive a blank check.

"Of course, I want him to win, but he must keep his promises and not become one like the others," Enriquez said.

The ghost of fraud is also present in the minds of citizens and some politicians.

"I'm not going to vote for what?" Asks Marisa López, a nurse at a pharmacy in Ecatepec, in the state of Mexico. "Go make yourself corrupt or cancel your votes or lose them."

As much as the National Electoral Institute (INE) says it will not be possible, citizens still do not fully trust their institutions.

To avoid trouble, the INE asked the candidates and parties to act responsibly as soon as the boxes closed at 18:00 (23:00 GMT) and not to comment on any issues. possible victories before the first official results are offered, around 11 pm (04h00 GMT).

On ideologies, the elections became a kind of popular referendum on the corruption of officials who were diverting resources from the state and on violence, which maintains its daily dribbling and high rates of political violence against local politicians before voting day.

Regions such as the State of Mexico, the stronghold of the PRI and the country's most populous state with over ten million voters, will be at the heart of these votes and the number of voters. insecurity, especially in states like Tamaulipas (in the north) or Guerrero (in the south) and those who voted for the governor (Jalisco, Guanajuato, Veracruz, Puebla, Morelos, Tabasco, Yucatan, Chiapas and the city of Mexico City). In Michoacan, moreover, some voting centers were canceled after some residents rejected the vote and expressed distrust of the politicians.

The trend seemed irreversible from north to south. From Tijuana, on the northern border, Jorge Serrano, a 29 year old engineer, wanted to give someone a chance again. "I voted for AMLO, I read that he played a good role in his government in the capital, that he was not linked to any corrupt act and that he has a history of social fighter. "

" I think he is the least corrupt of all and the most honest. "

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