López Obrador wins the presidency of Mexico, according to polls


The leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) won the Mexican presidential elections with a comfortable difference in front of his opponents, according to polls at the exit of the polls

. At 20 points, with 27% and 23% of the vote, Ricardo Anaya, National Conservative Action Party (PAN) and Jose Antonio Meade, Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), will be in second position. , with between 22% and 26% of the votes.

In a press conference, Meade acknowledged his defeat, said the "trends do not favor" the PRI and wished López Obrador "Best of successes."

The early recognition of defeat based on exit polling trends is an unprecedented event in the Mexican elections.

He also confirms the opinion polls n which always gave the victory to Lopez Obrador with a difference of 20 points on Ricardo Anaya.

The first data that throws the National Electoral Institute (INE) based on the first minutes, give Lopez Obrador 42.8% of the vote, Anaya 29.3% and Meade 18%, while the Bronco come closer to 6%.

In addition, an investigation disclosed by TV Azteca grants López Obrador 51% of the vote, followed by 23% to Anaya and 18% to Meade

On the basis of these data, the official fall of the PRI in these elections, affected by a mandate from Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018) marked by corruption scandals and a wave of violence.

Conservative Anaya would not have been able to convince the electorate and capitalize on the useful vote that was disputed with the PRI, compliant by all citizens opposed to López Obr

At the end of the polls, the head of the INE, Lorenzo Cordova, stressed that during these elections, there was a "mbadive vote" and that it was about A "civic party"

. It was an "exemplary day" with "isolated" incidents duly badisted by the staff of the INE.

According to INE, citizen participation was about 61%.

On July 1, some 89 million Mexicans are called to ballot to elect more than 3,400 officials, including the president, the head of the government of Mexico City, deputies and senators.

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