The measures taken by the Onemi by the frontal system


With abnormal swells strong gusts of wind and precipitation arrived from the frontal system affecting southern Coquimbo region in southern Chile.

In this sense, different coastal shores have to be shut down by the swell alarm, all with the aim of preventing citizens from getting closer to taking pictures or, obviously, risking their lives.

For this reason, the municipal authorities and order were present. different areas of the country so that the restrictive measures that were established by the Navy are met; because abnormal swells could damage infrastructure near the coast.

In addition, it is expected that in the coastal areas about 40 mm of water will fall which motivated the National Emergency Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior. Interior (Onemi) to decree early warning in different parts of the country.

The region of Valparaíso – except for Easter Island and Juan Fernandez – took this step and, also, part of the region of Biobío ; where the province of Arauco decreed the yellow alert for the meteorological event.

Regions such as Los Lagos, Los Ríos and Magallanes have also adopted measures on the frontal system.

The measures taken by Onemi the frontal system in each region:

The meteorological event will last until Wednesday, July 4 and, until now, the product of the swells, which are recorded from Arica to Aysén the close of Avenida Perú and the quay of Vergara .


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