SNI: The rise in postage is not reciprocal with the improvement of services – Diario Expreso


Ricardo Márquez, president of the National Company of Industries (SNI), expressed his concern about the new rates that will be applied by the concessionaire of Muelle Norte del Callao, the only one that operates for different types of cargoes, as it will affect the increase

The port operator must improve the efficiency of its operation and increase the capacity of the silos where the grain is stored; the method of measuring service times for trucks must be optimized because the unloading rate, poorly measured, does not give concrete results. This should be done independently and with a pre-established protocol, said Márquez.

Productivity indicators of port activity, which support compliance or not with the obligations badumed in the concession, are not measured independently, he continued. There are delays not attributable to the owner of the cargo, but the delay is respected and the truck is out so as not to spoil the indicators without having carried out the operation for lack of protocol

In addition, it must be put implemented in the port and in the ports. temporary deposits a dating system, like other operators. To this is added the urgency of working with the new operating regulations with users to avoid gaps and uncertainty, and to place more forklifts in the port.

The president of the industrial union said that "the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism should take advantage of the delegated powers to implement the 13 measures announced, as well as the recommendations of the World Bank," said Márquez. [19659002] The SNI considers that the new rates, which will begin to be applied in July, are part of an established package for the next 5 years for Ositran under the concession contract with which the Port of Callao operates, approved in 2016, "since that date, the necessary improvements have not yet been implemented to effectively reduce cost overruns",

These logistical cost overruns, the SNI notes, are various types, and the World Bank has already identified the most urgent ones: (i) redefining the role of the national port authority, particularly with regard to curity port areas and relations with the port community, (ii) updating and active implementation of logistics services development plan with the active promotion of cabotage; (iii) the creation of an observatory of logistics and transport performances; (iv) the definition and publication of standards for the services offered by temporary deposits; and (v) the instrumentation of a computerized and integrated truck management system.

In addition, the cost overruns are also evidenced by the insufficient provision of the port service by the dealer Muelle Norte, at least for more than half of the users, as indicated by a measure contracted by OSITRAN. The problem of cost overruns in the supply chain has also been reflected in the Doing Business Cross-Border Trade component 2017.

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