From today, Haitians can apply for visas to bring their families to Chile


Requirements include criminal and health records, and interested parties must complete documents in Chile and Haiti.

Treatment at the IOM has a value of US $ 73, while the issuance of the document by the consulate Chile in Haiti costs $ 25.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, in El Mercurio, "this is a very generous behavior also for all Chileans.The importance of this document is to allow children to not be separated from their families, in addition to giving them protection, dignity and well-being. "

" We need to see how it works, it's the first time we do it. "The application process begins in the Chilean soil, where the Haitian with a legal status has to write a letter that certifies in front of a notary.Next, the parent must call the offices of Port-au-Prince of the International Organization for Migration. "

Of these, criminal and health records will be needed to prove that they do not have infectious diseases. "Probably some will ask if this is not a discriminatory measure … It's a backup, and we have eradicated many diseases," Ampuero said.

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