Guatemala wants to join the Development Center of the OECD


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The Minister of the Economy (Mineco), Acisclo Valladares Urruela, today presented Guatemala's candidacy to the Development Center of the Organization Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The intergovernmental entity founded in 1961 brings together 35 member countries and aims to have governments compare and exchange experiences and recommendations to promote policies that improve the economic good of nations.

In Latin America, they are members of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.

At the meeting with representatives of the OECD, the owner of Mineco read a letter signed by President Jimmy Morales in which he pointed out that they view the program as a strategic platform for the adoption of recommendations arising from discussions within the organization. [19659003] Valladares added that they trust that the accompaniment of the Development Center in Guatemala would modernize the country's public administration, better position the region and strengthen its capacity for better governance and better governance.

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