More than 570 companies hired people with disabilities


According to the first quarterly balance of the law on the inclusion of disabled workers or known as Act 21.015 approximately 574 enterprises in On 2,568 workers with some degree of disability were hired by the Labor Directorate (DT) .

The regulation intends to grant employment opportunities to persons with disabilities or who are transferees of disability pensions. As a result, it requires firms with more than 200 workers that 1 percent of their employees have a type of disability.

According to El Mercurio, in 2019, it will be reduced 100 people expanding the range of companies that must comply with the initiative. The director of labor Mauricio Peñaloza, informed the media that "there are over 2600 persons disabled with employment contracts and over 500 companies recorded "

However, a study conducted by Fundación Descúbreme found that only 21 percent organizations has an area dedicated exclusively to the inclusion of workers. with a disability The 72% of companies, still relies on this topic of discussion of the country in the field of human resources or in the department of sustainability.

For his part, Daniel Concha, director of the National Service for the Disabled explains that the integration of people with disabilities "tangibly improves the workplace".

The sectors that have expressed interest in inclusion are mining chains and service chains.

It should be recalled that the regulations were approved in April 2017 under the previous administration and are intended to include persons with disabilities in the private and public spheres.

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