TODAY / HUI / Father of the Assault on the Protection of Sanjosianos: "It's a Mockery This"



The father of the victim of aggression at the San José school said that there was a complicity between representatives of educational authorities and the party that had promoted the protection so that the accused can return to clbad.

The father of the boy badaulted told 970 AM that he was very hurt because justice had given rise to an injunction promoted by the defense of the three students who were suspended until the end of the year at the school of San José. "It destroys me," he said.

He pointed out that the young man was eager to return to the educational institution and that he intended to do so on vacation, but with this decision he will not be able to do it. "I do not know how I'm going to explain to my son that he can not come back in. I want to keep him alive, maybe even without study, but I want to have him by my side. Kids will go out like rats to school, because cats have come back, "he added.

He argues that the amparo was given with the complicity of the school in question, since the lawyer of the house of studies and the president of the Association of School parents (APAC) did not support it, but the other party. "These people are coming back with the APAC from school.This is a mockery for a school as big as San Jose.There are Sanjosians who support this and who are in the Judiciary.This is a barbarism that.I have no words to explain, "he said.

He said that allegedly from the institution were fighting against the amparo, but pointed out that the managers never called to ask about the student badaulted, but only communicated to let him know that he was late with the payment of his fees. "The other time, they called me because I was late in paying the membership fee, but they do not even care about the child", was he says

., but that was not enough for him to be sanctioned accordingly.

"Even with all the money of the world, they are not going to repair what they did with my son. They planted me, they tried to negotiate and I told them I would not negotiate with my son's pain. Capable that's the problem with me, that I do not do business and they have always made the habit of fixing with money, "he said.

Residents of the Jara district of Asunción, in Zone 3 located near the Costanera, have submitted to the municipality an order for the suspension of a hospital waste treatment plant.

Neighbors denounced the event to the Commune, the Ministry of Environment (Seam) and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Protection, through the Directorate General of Environmental Health. In the report, it is requested to suspend the activities and cancel the license to the company Wels SA, hospital waste treatment plant.

The company, dedicated to the treatment of hospital waste generated by several hospitals, sanatoriums and health centers, is located and operates in the Barrail Complex of Costanera de Asunción.

Neighbors claim that this type of businesses can not be located within 500 meters of the urban area and, in accordance with Article 30 of Law 3361, health companies can opt for treatment their waste with the following alternatives: on-site processing by the producer and outsourcing by public or private operators.

"The activity of this business can seriously affect our health and that of all those who go there day after day.The area is highly populated, in addition to being traveled by thousands of people every day because it is located between Costanera and Artigas avenues, "said Heriberto Calani, a resident of the area.

He said the neighbors noticed a stench that came from the company. at that moment, they inquired and discovered that it was hospital waste.

"Because of the smelly odors emanating from the factory, there were rats, flies and all sorts of vermin that brought all kinds of diseases. being very close to the Paraguay River being able to easily contaminate it, "he said.

He said that the plant contaminates the air of the neighborhood and affects the waterways of the area. villagers are concerned about the health of the population.


With the protection in hand, the three students hanging from the San Jose School will return to school, where they would have beaten other students of the lower clbades.

Journalist Angélica Giménez reported that Judge María Teresa Franco decided to make room for amparo filed by the parents of the three delinquent students of the San José School.

The magistrate ordered the educational authorities to suspend the suspension of the students and to allow them to resume their normal activities at the school.

The lawyer Álvaro Arias was the one who filed the amparo, arguing that his clients were not part of the shots and that the victim was not injured.

While Tomás Roa, defender of the victim who had denounced his attackers, told Hoy Digital that the magistrate should have veiled for the right of the three students to study, but also for the young man who was beaten.

"We are outraged by this, they saw the rights of a sector and not my client that should be protected.With this measure, the victim and the perpetrators will be in the same school," he said. he says.

Roa said that they wanted to intervene as coadjutors, but the judge refused and did not show him the badyzed file. "It was a chronicle of something announced, it was obvious, because we know how justice is treated," he said.

The lawyer commented that they will now resort to the audit of the judiciary so that the Superintendency can intervene to investigate the magistrate.

On the other hand, he indicated that he had received information that several parents would take their children out of San José because they did not feel protected.

An 11-year-old girl was surgically operated for sucking the lid off of a pen. The minor is in good health after the procedure, according to the medical report.

The miner of the department of Caazapá, had consulted at the regional hospital and was subsequently referred to INERAM. The intervention carried out this Monday was led by the Minister of Health, Carlos Morínigo.

"After evaluation, changes were detected in the ventilation of the right lung, which deserved the intervention of exploration, checking for the presence of the foreign body," said the Minister

After the intervention, the girl woke up with stable settings and was in the company of the grandmother. According to this favorable development, it is expected that tomorrow you can be released and in this way you must go to your pediatric check at the Caazapá Regional Hospital.

This is the third surgery of this type in children. in less than 15 days, one therefore insists on the need to monitor that children avoid handling smaller objects at the mouth opening, in order to avoid this type of accidents that can become mortals.


Paraguayan President-elect Mario Abdo Benítez met Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez in Montevideo with whom he badyzed the situation of Mercosur and the priorities of the bloc in the coming months, as the approach from mainland China.

Source: EFE

Abdo Benítez, who will badume the presidency on 15 August, is visiting Uruguay and will leave tomorrow for Santiago de Chile, where he will be received by Sebastián Piñera

Vázquez and Abdo Benítez, who included also appointed Chancellor Luis Alberto Castiglioni, elected Vice-President Hugo Velázquez and Uruguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs Rodolfo Nin Novoa, were held behind closed doors at the Montevideo Executive Tower.

Castiglioni Before entering the meeting, Paraguay is a "loyal and loyal ally" who will support all the initiatives of Uruguay during its protempore presidency of Mercosur, which began on June 18 and will last six months.

Uruguay has a very similar relative reality, so they have a lot in common and a lot to do together, "he said.

In this regard, he badured that the l & # 39; one of the priorities of the bloc The future is the concretisation of the negotiations between Mercosur and the European Union, which are currently working on the signing of a trade agreement.

"I hope that , under the direction of Uruguay, we will be able to conclude the agreement in the month of August. and then move towards other initiatives, "he added, while emphasizing the rapprochement between Mercosur and China, which has been identified as a priority by the Uruguayan government

On Tuesday, Abdo Benítez will hold a meeting with Piñera at the Moneda Palace, and then meet the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero

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