They find children safely trapped in a cave in Thailand safe and sound


The 12 children members of a football team and their coach trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand for more than nine days were "found safe and sound" on Monday after days of research.

There had been no contact with the boys, between the ages of 11 and 16, and their coach, with 25, since they disappeared on Saturday, June 23.

Rescue efforts were hampered by heavy rains that flooded the Tham Luang cave in northern Thailand and blocked access to cameras where the group was to meet.

The governor of Chiang Rai province, Narongsak Osottanakorn, announced Monday the good news to a nation that followed. Close each round of efforts to save them.

"We found the 13 safe and sound," he told reporters, who spontaneously applauded and applauded.

However, the evacuation did not occur. will be done immediately, he said. "We are going to bring them some food, but we are not sure that they can eat, since they have not eaten for a long time, we will also take a doctor who knows how to dive," he says. he

A moving video filmed by rescuers and posted on Facebook shows a group of skinny kids, dressed in big muddy football jerseys and refugees in a narrow ledge. surrounded by water.

"Thank you," exclaims one of them while another responds "13" when one of the divers, with a British accent, asks how much they are.

The diver tries to encourage them. "There are a lot of people on the way" to help them, he says. "They were here 10 days, they are very strong," they say to the children.

Divers took advantage of a brief lapse of time Monday to go deeper into the cave, where the water levels are slowly but steadily reduced They were expecting to find the water there. team on a raised ledge known as Pattaya Beach

but the group had retreated 300 to 400 meters away while the ledge was submerged, adds Narongsak

. The news was broadcast at high speed Monday by social networks and parents of children, some of whom had slept near the cave for days, expressed their joy.

"I am so happy … I want to see him, in good physical and mental condition," AFP Thinnakorn Boonpiem, father of one of the missing, told AFP.

Young players, aged 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old coach, ventured into the night of June 23. formation or, in the Tham Luang cave, located in a dense tropical forest area on the border with Burma and Lagos.

But they were blocked by heavy monsoon rains and had not been contacted.


His drama was followed live by Thai television and netizens had not talked about anything for days

On Monday, a ceremony was held at the school of children.

"That he comes back to play," implored Tilek Jana, 14, one of the 200 children gathered and whose friend Prajak is among the missing.

"I pray every night for these 13 lives to be saved "Soon," adds Jakkrit Muenghong, one of Prajak's teachers

Renowned Thai singer, Kong Huayrai, wrote a song honoring the children and their coach: " We do not know who they are, but where? is n? Are they cold and hungry? "Says the ballad broadcast on television, which points out that a country is waiting for them.

On Monday, members of the Lisu tribe gathered near the cave to mbadacre chickens and pigs, an offering to them. river and jungle spirits to beseech them to allow safe return of children.

Dozens of divers, including international troops, have been mobilized for more than a week to try to The teams of specialists from Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan and China, as well as some 30 American soldiers, traveled to this remote mountainous region to support the teams. Thai Relief.

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