The low temperatures in Chiloé require to suspend the traffic and to modify the schedule of the courses


Low temperatures are expected for tonight in the Los Lagos area, with less than three degrees, situation that mainly affects Chiloe, especially in the car traffic, so, the authorities of the country. Island decided to cut a section of the road Cinco Sur.

According to the information provided by the provincial government of Chiloé, the cut is registered between the area of ​​Natri, Chonchi commune, until the city of Quellón, at the southern tip of the city. Archipelago

The traffic is cut off on both roads by the presence of frost, so it is recommended to those traveling between the two points, to do it by alternative routes and under strict precaution. For this reason, an industrial salt spreading operation is carried out on different routes and roads in the province of Chiloe, in order to avoid accidents.

The mayor of the municipality of Castro, Juan Eduardo Vera said that the gym of the Dos School was installed, located in the center of the city, "this school is with all the comfort that we can place, as heating. "

The municipal corporation of education of Chonchi informed that as preventive measure ] product of low temperatures and frost of the beginning of the clbades in all the educational establishments of the municipality will be at 10:30.

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