The measles epidemic in Brazil records about 500 cases


Sao Paulo .- Two states in northern Brazil, Amazonas and Roraima, are suffering from a measles epidemic and already have 463 confirmed cases in the region, one of the most poor of the country, Ministry of Health of Brazil in a report published today.

In Amazonas, one of the states that make up the Amazon basin, 1,756 cases of the disease were notified January through June 20, of which 1 368 remain under investigation, 263 have been confirmed and 125 rejected

Manaus, regional capital, with 1,441 suspected cases, recorded the highest number of notifications, ie 82

In the state of Roraima, to At the Venezuelan border, 412 measles cases were notified during the same period, of which 200 were confirmed, 35 were rejected and 177 are still under investigation.

/ Pi Xabay

According to the Ministry of Health, since January 7, 400 vaccines have been distributed to people in several regions of Brazil. Of this total, 487,400 were sent to the Amazon and 224,000 to Roraima

According to the portfolio, Roraima, the main reception point of Venezuelan immigration, confirmed the first case of measles in February, when A baby of 1 year of age from this Caribbean country was diagnosed with the disease.

However, the ministry's report pointed out that Amazonas surpbaded Roraima for the first time in the number of cases confirmed by the disease, considered eradicated in Brazil since 2016, when it received from the World Health Organization. Health (WHO) declared certification.

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Between 2013 and 2015, the country recorded 1,310 cases of measles throughout its territory, the majority from patients in other countries.

However, with the worsening of the migration crisis in Venezuela and the mbadive influx of citizens from the neighboring country to Brazilian cities, measles cases have rebounded.

In this way, the Brazilian government was forced to anticipate the vaccination campaign against the disease, scheduled for August.


According to the Ministry, until June 18, 112,971 doses of the vaccine were administered in Roraima, while Amazonas immunized 81.2% of the expected key audience

In this note:

  • Brazil [19659017] Measles outbreak in Brazil
  • Health Brazil Measles

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