Australian archbishop sentenced for camouflage


The Australian Archbishop Philip Wilson was sentenced to 12 months of house arrest for concealing allegations of abuse against another religious in the 1970s announced officially Tuesday in Canberra. Wilson, the current archbishop of Adelaide, had been convicted in May and was to receive up to two years in prison.

During the trial the Archbishop said he did not remember the conversation in which apparently one of the four abused children had told him about the situation. Extensive research revealed last year that tens of thousands of children in the country were badually abused, especially in religious facilities and centers.

Wilson is the highest official of the Catholic Church in the world convicted by cover-up in a case of badual abuse of minors. Newcastle Judge Robert Stone also ordered that he serve at least six months before he can apply for parole. However, the prelate will not have to immediately comply with the sentence, since Stone will have to determine, on August 14, if the religious of 67 years is fit to be under house arrest.

The court found him guilty of not having informed the police of repeated abuses received by two altar boys from pedophile priest James Fletcher (from the Hunter Valley area, north of Sydney) in the 1970s. The maximum sentence imposed on Wilson was two years in prison.

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