Paraguay will be an ally, said Tabaré Vázquez


President Tabaré Vázquez received Monday, at the leadership tower, the elected President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez. At the hearing, the president-elect invited Vázquez to participate in the inauguration of the new Paraguayan government on August 15th. The leaders badyzed the issues on the international agenda and the joint candidacy of Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina for the 2030 World Cup. "Paraguay will be an ally for the initiatives to strengthen Mercosur during the Uruguayan temporary presidency ". appointed, Luis Alberto Castiglioni, before the meeting between Tabaré Vázquez and the elected president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez. He added that the priorities were to conclude negotiations with the European Union and to push forward with other initiatives such as an agreement with China.

"The two countries have a very similar relative reality, they have a lot in common and have a lot to do," said Castiglioni, in statements to the press, as part of the meeting held Monday 2 at the tower meeting between Vázquez and Abdo Benítez, with Uruguayan Foreign Minister Rodolfo Nin Novoa, Paraguay's elected Vice-President Hugo Velázquez and Hugo Saguier

Paraguay's ambbadador to Aladi, added that "Paraguay will be a faithful ally and loyal to support initiatives that help strengthen Mercosur during the temporary presidency of Uruguay. "

Consulted on the block's priorities He pointed out that they are the culmination of the negotiations of the United States. a treaty with the European Union and also advance in other initiatives, such as exploring the possibility that the bloc C was an agreement with mainland China

At the time l & # 39; held hearing, the elected president of Paraguay invited Vazquez to participate in the inauguration of the new government on August 15, just as during his first international tour with Presidents Michel. Temer, from Brazil, and Mauricio Macri, from Argentina

In addition, topics from the international agenda of both countries were discussed, such as the candidacy, with Argentina, to organize the 2030 World Football Championship.

The delegation will move to Santiago de Chile, where it will be hosted by President Sebastián Piñera.

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