With the triumph of AMLO and the leadership of Lula, do popular governments return to Latin America?


Andrés Manuel López Obrador

  Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The recent victory of AMLO in Mexico

For the first time in decades, a leader of the left comes to command the second largest economy in Latin America. Mexico is one of the landmark countries of the regional right, which has never been part of the block of countries with popular governments in the region at the turn of the century. Thus, the overwhelming victory of López Obrador Sunday disrupts the dominant political system of the country and gives it a broad mandate to carry out the reforms.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

<img src = "https://media.minutouno.com/adjuntos/150/imagenes/029/250/0029250608.jpeg?0000-00-00-00-00-00 "alt =" Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the elected president of Mexico
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Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the elected president of Mexico

López Obrador was close to the presidency twice: in 2006, when he denounced electoral fraud and in 2012 Therefore, one of his slogans was "The third is the vanquished". So, remember the insistence of Lula before his first presidency, which lost three elections before winning in Brazil

Lula Da Silva

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Luis Ignacio Lula Da Silva

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Luis Ignacio Lula Da Silva

Lula candidate?

The first round of legislative elections in Brazil takes place on October 7 of this year and, in the case of a second round, it will take place on the 28th of the same month. Although the former president has been imprisoned since the month of April his figure is preferred by voters up to now in all pre-election surveys.

According to a poll published by Globo ] the Brazilian leads his rivals with 33% of the intention to vote. Behind, the candidate of the Social Liberal Party, Jair Bolsonaro, with 15%, and Marina Silva, of Rede Sustentabilidade, with 7%.

In the neighboring country, there is also speculation that, in the event that Lula would not do it. can be presented, the candidate of the Workers Party (PT) will be the senator Gleisi Hoffmann

Thus, the return of the beaten PT would mean the return of a popular government to the most important economy in South America and the exit of the ultra-reformist government of Michel Temer, who has the worst votes in history

legislative elections 2017

Next elections in the region

With the elections in Brazil, the electoral calendar of America ends latina for 2018. In 2019, there will be presidential elections in six Latin American countries: in February in El Salvador, in Panama in May, in June in Guatemala, while the highlight will be the elections of Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay.

mature and evo morales.jpg

<img src = "https://media.minutouno.com/adjuntos/150/imagenes/029/061/0029061044.jpg?0000 -00-00-00-00 -00 "alt ="

Evo Morales and Nicolás Maduro

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Evo Morales and Nicolás Maduro

While in Uruguay and Bolivia, it is believed that the political trend will remain the same, the recent local economic crisis and the new leadership of countries like Mexico and Brazil, make some political badysts think that our country could return to a government with more progressive dyes. Although it is still too early for speculation.

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