UDI announces a plan for students who cause "destruction" not to have access to


UDI deputies Javier Macaya and Osvaldo Urrutia announced the presentation of a project according to which students having caused the "destruction" in the institutions of 39, teaching do not have the opportunity to access for free This is the result of the events that have marked the last few weeks in various schools of the municipality of Santiago, where even the mayor Felipe Alessandri decided to close the Liceo Amunátegui for the rest of the year.

Union movement seeks to amend Law 21,091 on Higher Education which "consecrates as a cause of loss the benefits established by the state to students, in the case of students. be the perpetrators of destruction and other abuses of property and educational material educational institutions taken, by way of protest, claim or other motivation, for the intention of the authorities "

The text states that" On our side, there are experiences regarding the loss of state benefits to people who have lost the ability to ". to be the creditors on the basis of facts involving indignities that occurred . This is the case of the benefits received by the Aboriginal groups of the Land and Indigenous Waters Fund. "

" With the coming into force of Law 20,529, the Superintendency of Education is the administrative body responsible for supervising, in accordance with the law, that the holders of State-recognized educational establishments comply with the laws and regulations issued by the Superintendency, and monitor the legality of the use of the resources of institutions receiving a contribution from the State "

For parliamentarians, it is" quite logical that in a policy of effective use of public resources, those responsible for excesses are punished for the sake of ". impossibility of access to free "

" Chilean society was bored with acts of force without baduming the responsibilities of the case . The clichés are led by a minority group of students who come to bring the right of the majority of the educational community to train and study for a better future, "said MP Macaya.

Meanwhile, Urrutia says that "] break-pay is logical ; the one who breaks, burns and throws Molotov to the Carabineros can not then gain free access to higher education, "reports La Tercera

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