The ex-Brazilian mogul Eike Batista sentenced to 30 years in prison for corruption


A federal judge of Rio de Janeiro sentenced businessman Eike Batista to 30 years in prison for corruption, which has become the richest man in Brazil and currently under house arrest after spending three months in prison last year. The sentence was pronounced Monday by the federal criminal judge Marcelo Bretas, who also imposed on the employer a penalty of payment of a fine of 53 million reais (about 13.9 million dollars), according to Federal Justice of Rio de Janeiro

Batista was convicted of active bribery and money laundering crimes after Bretas gave as proven that he paid illegal commissions for about $ 16.5 million. dollars to Sergio Cabral, governor of Rio de Janeiro between 2007 and 2014, to award public contracts.

According to the prosecutor's office, for the payment of these commissions, Batista used a "fictitious" contract that simulated the purchase of a gold mine in Colombia to face the men of Cabral, in prison since november 2016 for the creation of a "criminal organization" which allowed him to hide in accounts abroad up to 100 million dollars bribes.

first sentence issued against the 60-year-old tycoon, who became the eighth richest man in the world, according to Forbes magazine, who between January and April of last year shared a cell of 15 square meters with six others accused of deviations related to the corruption scandal at the state oil company Petrobras.

In addition to Batista, the judge in the Cabral case sentenced to 22 years and 8 months in prison for pbadive bribery, money laundering and financial fraud; to Cabral's wife, Adiana Ancelmo, at 4 years and 6 months; two former senior officials of the Government of Rio de Janeiro, and an badistant tycoon, Flavio Godinho, at 22 years old.

Batista accumulated up to 2010 a fortune estimated at about 30 billion US dollars by mining companies A few years ago, the empire collapsed due to mismanagement and of the international crisis of crude oil and raw materials.

Fugitive declared in 2016 due to mismanagement of oil and raw materials. who took refuge abroad when a judge ordered his arrest, the employer came to voluntarily appear in court to collaborate on investigations into corruption in the state. Petrobras.

In his statement, he confessed to fraudulently collaborating with election campaigns, through "donations" that were not reported to the tax authorities and corresponded to agreed commissions for the award of public contracts. public.

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