Moves, tbh and Hello say goodbye, Facebook will stop them


It is never too late to renew it and this is taken into account Facebook which for several months has changed, implemented and eliminated the tools and applications that it contains.

changes, there is the elimination of Moves, tbh and hello, three applications that will be canceled due to the limited scope that they manage, in addition to the huge lack of. use that they have, becoming obsolete.

The information of this event was announced through the blog that has the social network, where they reveal the low levels of interaction that they get within Facebook; this is known for reports that are generated monthly regarding the operation of all applications found on the platform.

Applications are evaluated not only by the company, but also by the same users who ultimately have the last word, since they are the ones who use them or stop giving them importance.

After this and the decision taken, there is nothing to say goodbye, but not before allowing people to download their data in the next 90 days because after this period they will be deleted completely and definitely from the platform.

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In case the news takes them by surprise and does not remember the function of each application, we remind them here:

  • Hello, who was launched in 2015, allowed people to combine the presentation of their contacts on the mobile phone with those that they had on Facebook.
  • Moves, whose arrival was in 2014, was storing the daily record of activity that the user had done.
  • Tbh, who had just spent a year in Facebook, anonymized comments in US schools.

The three applications will be dropped on July 31st.

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