Lula reiterated her presidential candidacy in a letter asking for justice


The former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva who is serving a 12-year prison sentence for corruption, reaffirms Tuesday candidate for the presidency, reiterates his innocence and criticizes in a letter published today

"I have not committed any crime. I repeat: "I did not commit any crime" Lula said in the letter. disclosed by the Workers Party and in which he challenged his accusers to present "at least one material evidence" that blurred his innocence.

"I am a candidate for the presidency of the Republic. I challenge my accusers to present this test until August 15 of this year when my candidacy will be registered in the Electoral Justice", badured Lula in the letter, which was also shared through the exmandatario portals on social networks .9002] Lula, who ruled Brazil between 2003 and 2010, was sentenced after he had been proved that he had received a luxury apartment in the city of Guarujá, on the coast of Sao Paulo, in exchange for benefits for the construction company awarding contracts with the state oil company Petrobras

The former president, imprisoned for corruption and money laundering since April 7, continues as a favorite in the polls for the presidential elections of October in Brazil

] Brazilian legislation does not prohibit candidates from being appointed with a second-instance conviction, as is the case of Lula, so if the Workers' Party (PT) inscribes it, it is possible that the electoral authorities will oppose it. veto.

However, the electoral justice has not pronounced in this respect and will be able to do it only in the event that Lula's candidacy is formalized, that is to say August 15, date to which the former agent announced his registration.

Lula repudiated the "maneuvers" against him

In the letter, Lula he repudiated the "maneuvers" of which he was "victim", and pointed out that all he wanted was for the police and judicial authorities investigating corruption in Petrobras "to show the company a unique material test which I have

In the letter , the former president reiterated being a victim of political persecution that began "on the basis of a lie published by the newspaper O Globo m & rdquo; Assigning the ownership of an apartment to Guarujá ", with what, according to him, the investigation was launched which led to the sentence that he was serving in a cell of headquarters of the federal police in the city of Curitiba in the south. [19659002] "The federal police, reproducing the lie, initiated an investigation; the prosecutor's office, accepting the same lie, made the accusation and, ultimately, still based on the lie never proved, the judge (Sergio) Moro mourned me. The TRF-4 (Federal Regional Court of the Fourth Region), as a result of the same argument began with the lie, confirmed the sentence, "said Lula in the letter

The former governor was convicted at 9 years and six months in prison for pbadive bribery and money laundering which was extended in January of this year to 12 years and a month by the court of appeal.

In the letter the former president was he said incredulous to the Brazilian justice since all the resources that his defense filed in the Supreme Court of Justice, have received negative answers.

"All this to me suggests that there is no reason to believe that I will have justice ", badured.

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