President Sebastián Piñera inaugurates the monument to Pedro Aguirre Cerda


President Piñera participated on Tuesday in the inauguration of the monument to Pedro Aguirre Cerda on the Plaza de la Constitución, in which he highlighted the educational legacy of the former president, who created 500 schools and increased the number of students from 110,000 to 616,000

He also stressed his courage to lift Chile after the devastating earthquake of 1939, the fight against poverty and solidarity with refugees .

"The effort and commitment of our government is to improve the quality of education at all levels because even though Chile has been a pioneer education, the quality of education in our country is deficient, "he said.

"This is not what the country needs, let alone in this century of the society of knowledge and information." Piñera said at the ceremony, organized by the Grand Lodge and badisted by relatives of the former president and eminent personalities from various areas

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